The Perfect Brownie Base

The Perfect Brownie Base

Finding The One isn’t always that easy.

Sure, finding Kenny wasn’t too bad. I was only 25 when we started dating, so I can’t pretend that I had a huge struggle to meet the man of my dreams. But when it comes to recipes, life can be a bit more complicated.

After several years of baking, I’ve honed my go-to recipes. I have my favorite chocolate cake recipe (thanks, back of the Hershey cocoa container!), my favorite chocolate chip recipe, my favorite blondie base, my favorite cheesecake base, and my favorite peanut butter cookie. But let’s not forget the most important one of them all: the perfect brownie base.

The Perfect Brownie Base

If you’re a regular reader, this recipe will look familiar because I use it ALL. THE. TIME. I can’t help it. These are the best brownies, and they are just as easy as using a mix. Why wouldn’t you try them? Especially when I’ve included yet another fun video tutorial right here!

This video thing is getting addictive, by the way. I’m going to have to keep making them. But at some point I’ll also need to get some really good lighting, an agent, and a personal assistant. A girl can dream!

Back to The One. Last week in class, we were discussing the concept of soul mates. With Valentine’s Day just behind us, my creative writing class has been writing love stories. When I asked how many people believed in the construct of that one person, very few kids raised their hands. Then again, kids can be very cynical, especially teenagers. It’s one of the reasons that I find them so entertaining.

The Perfect Brownie Base

I was once talking to a colleague who expressed that while he believes in the idea of The One, he also thinks that we encounter several versions of that person as we progress through our lives. He used that theory as a good reason to not get married. After all, why settle for one soul mate when you can have six or seven?

To be honest, I’ve never been sure about anything so absolute as the idea of just one soul mate. Is Kenny my soul mate? No doubt. Would he have been my soul mate if I’d grown up in Russia instead, or would I have met a different soul mate nearer to home? These thoughts don’t keep me up at night or anything, but the fact that so many people meet their intended spouses in college is a pretty good argument for true love being partly a matter of convenience.

The Perfect Brownie Base

In other words, I know very few people who have combed the globe to find their intended ones. We’re not lazy, but we’re probably too busy to go searching. Anyone got a dramatic love story for me? Just because Valentine’s is over does not mean that we have to stop talking love. Let me know!

And speaking of love stories, these brownies are it. I made these once and never went back. It takes a lot of arm-twisting for me to make another brownie recipe. Why?

The Perfect Brownie Base

The best reason ever: these are EASY. They come together in less than five minutes (the video doesn’t lie!) and they’re very happy being customized however you like. This time it was peanut butter M &Ms. Next time it might be peanut butter cups. Or something without peanut butter entirely. I’ve got range!

The Perfect Brownie Base

Who knows if finding the perfect brownie recipe is easier or harder than finding the perfect partner? I seriously am not sure. All I know is that it took me longer to find this recipe than it took me to marry Kenny, so draw your own conclusions. But for now, make you some brownies. It’s true love!


The Perfect Brownie Base


1/2 cup butter, melted
1/2 cup cocoa
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup flour
1 cup peanut butter M & Ms (as shown, or other mix-ins as desired)


  1. Preheat the oven to 350. Line an 8 X 8 pan with foil and spray it with cooking spray. Set aside.
  2. In a medium-sized bowl, mix the cocoa into the melted butter until it dissolves. Add the sugar and stir again. When the sugar is incorporated, mix in the vanilla and eggs. Add the salt and flour, mixing until just combined. Stir in the M & Ms.
  3. Spread the batter in the prepared pan and press additional M &Ms into the top. Bake for 25-30 minutes until done.
  4. Remove the brownies from the oven and cool completely. Cut into squares and store in an airtight container.


I fulfill many roles in life: wife, mother, teacher, everlasting learner. This site is dedicated to one role that expresses my creativity in ways that I find consistently challenging and rewarding: baker. Inventing new ways to enhance food, especially if that food involves chocolate or peanut butter (or both!), is a passion of mine. I look forward to sharing my ideas with you.

This Post Has 34 Comments

  1. Dannii @ Hungry Healthy Happy

    I am always a little sceptical when someone describes a recipe as “the perfect”, but this does look like the perfect brownie base.
    I think we can have a few different sole mates, just not all at the same time 😉

    1. Mir

      Well, perfection is subjective. But these are my idea of perfect!

  2. Gayle @ Pumpkin 'N Spice

    I definitely struggle to find the perfect brownie base! That’s why I actually don’t have any brownies on my site…I need to experiment more with the batter after many, many failed batches! But it sounds like you got it down, Mir! These look delicious! Love the addition of M&Ms too…and the video!
    Gayle @ Pumpkin ‘N Spice recently posted…Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup Smoothie {Plus a Video!}My Profile

    1. Mir

      Keep trying, Gayle! Brownies are fun to experiment with. Even if you don’t find your perfect recipe, you’ll have a lot of fun trying!

  3. Kate @ Framed Cooks

    You and I are seriously on the same wave length, because my latest post? Yep. Brownies. And now I have to make them again, because who could resist your brownie base?? (Keep up with those videos – they are great!!)
    Kate @ Framed Cooks recently posted…Bourbon Brownie BitesMy Profile

    1. Mir

      I loved your brownies, Kate! They looked SO good!

  4. David @ Spiced

    You found it! You found perfection! Haha. That’s a bold statement to say that you’ve found the perfect brownie, but these bad boys look like the perfect brownie to me. I hunted for years to find a brownie base that I’m happy with…but now I want to give this one a shot, too. I don’t know what I think about soulmates, but I’m pretty sure these brownies are my soulmate. 🙂
    David @ Spiced recently posted…Cheesy Chicken EmpanadasMy Profile

    1. Mir

      Okay, so maybe it’s just my own perfection, but I had to start somewhere! And brownies are a soul mate I can count on.

  5. Sues

    Yesss, I love when you finally find a recipe base that you love and can make over and over again. True love 🙂 This brownie base looks and sounds perfect!
    Sues recently posted…Peanut Butter Cheddar Dog BonesMy Profile

    1. Mir

      It is true love, and I’m never going back!

  6. Alice @ Hip Foodie Mom

    Mir, ah soul mates. . even though I have just one like you, I do believe some people can have more than one. . or at least another soul mate on a different level. . like if your spouse dies and you re-marry. . I don’t know. . I think as long as you are happy and being supported and loved, that is the most important. . like this perfect brownie base! and the videos, I seriously need a tutorial from you. I have no idea how to even use the video feature on my camera. this looks amazing and I WILL try this!!! Brownies are my husband’s fave dessert! with ice cream! 🙂

    1. Mir

      I actually shoot on my iPhone, Alice! Email me and we’ll chat. 🙂 It’s not hard at all!

  7. Lauren Gaskill | Making Life Sweet

    Wow these look so yummy! My mouth is watering just looking at your photos. 🙂

    1. Mir

      Thanks, Lauren! I ate them all up!

  8. Summer

    Mmmm I am now craving brownies ♥
    Summer recently posted…Rustic Strawberry CrostataMy Profile

    1. Mir

      Ha! Me too, Summer! Always!

  9. Cheyanne @ No Spoon Necessary

    I’m not sure if I believe there is only one person compatible for us. I do think there are a few… but it is a matter of meeting one of them. I mean the world is FILLED with people, what are the chances you would meet ALL the people you are compatible with? Does that make sense? Sometimes I wonder if I make any sense at all. 😉 Boy and I didn’t meet in college, we met after college in the work place. We were both managers (of different departments) and I quit so we could date. 🙂 Anyways, BROWNIES! One of the many chocolate things that tortures my allergic soul. These look perfect, Mir! Boy is a sucker for brownies… but then again who isn’t (aside me for reasons beyond my control), and I know he will be SO thankful you shared your PERFECT brownie base! Gotta get on it and make these STAT! Pinned! Cheers, girlfriend!
    Cheyanne @ No Spoon Necessary recently posted…Roasted Winter Harvest Buddha Bowls {with warm bacon vinaigrette}My Profile

    1. Mir

      Awww. You gave up a job for him. That’s sweet! And it must’ve been true love!

  10. Dorothy @ Crazy for Crust

    These look absolutely perfect!! A fudgy brownie is the BEST.
    Dorothy @ Crazy for Crust recently posted…Coconut Cheesecake No Bake DessertMy Profile

    1. Mir

      Exactly. Cakey brownies are just a tragedy!

  11. annie@ciaochowbambina

    These are so fun! Love the pops of color from my favorite peanut butter M&M’s! I can’t believe you create your videos using an iPhone! I’m intrigued! They are awesome!
    annie@ciaochowbambina recently posted…Pasta e FagioliMy Profile

    1. Mir

      Feel free to email me with questions, Annie! I use iMovie!

  12. Wooclip

    Oh my gaaaahhhd brownie my favorites *wipes keyboard* 🙂

    1. Mir

      I know exactly how you feel!

  13. Aimee @ ShugarySweets

    LOL. So we BOTH have found the perfect brownie base!! We need to do a challenge or something, a taste test! I demand you send me some of these 🙂
    Aimee @ ShugarySweets recently posted…Mint Chocolate Chip BrowniesMy Profile

    1. Mir

      Or we can have a brownie base bake-off! Let me know if you’re ever near DC and we’ll have a brownie blast!

  14. Linda @ Today She Loves

    Love your chocolate recipes! One of my co-workers loves brownies and it’s her go to desserts for most of anything I bake. Gonna try this one for a fundraising bake sale too. Don’t have any pb M&Ms, but I’m sure I can think of another substitute.
    Linda @ Today She Loves recently posted…Valentine’s Day XOXO 2016My Profile

    1. Mir

      Hope it works out well for you, Linda! Anything else can be subbed in to the base. That’s the beauty of it!

  15. Mirabelle

    I love that these use coacoa instead of chocolate – so much more convenient for people like me without microwave, dishwasher, and self control (why does all the chocolate magically disappear before I can use it in a recipe?) 😉
    I once read a scientific article about how if everyone hat just one soulmate (anywhere on the planet) pretty much noone wou find theirs. So I don’t exactly believe in this whole concept of “the one”, but does that make love and relationships, lifelong or not, any less great?

    1. Mir

      Thanks, Mirabelle! I always think melting chocolate is a little harder, so this solution works really well!

  16. Katie @The Semisweet Sisters

    Those brownies look perfect! Love the video!

    1. Mir

      Thanks, Katie! They were good while they lasted…

  17. Michele @ Alwayzbakin

    That sounds like a great brownie recipe. I have my fave I use too. I think it makes so much difference making them from scratch. The taste is so much richer. And I also love the same chocolate cake recipe from the back of the Hershey’s cocoa. SO delicious!
    Michele @ Alwayzbakin recently posted…Samoa Cookie CupsMy Profile

    1. Mir

      It does make a huge difference. And that cake recipe is the BOMB.

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