Salted Caramel Streusel Baked Apples

Salted Caramel Streusel Baked Apples

These apples are life-changing. How’s that for a promise?

Baked apples are a classic American dessert, but I’ve upped the ante by coring them, filling them with a simple streusel, and drizzling (pouring, maybe?) salted caramel on top. And we can totally call this a healthy dessert because, you know, apple. Right? Hey, it’s fruit!

This is a fireside kind of dessert, the kind that you share with family members on game night or some equally idyllic situation. These are impossible not to love, unless you have no soul. I’m feeling very objective today.

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Peanut Butter Cup Fondue (PLUS The Perfect Dipping Plate And Video!)

Peanut Butter Cup Fondue (PLUS the Perfect Dipping Plate and Video!)

How do you fondue?

If you don’t, then there’s a big hole in your life. You know, that void where you have never experienced the joy of dipping food into melty cheese or chocolate. Be sad if you haven’t been there.

But feel free to change your ways, and now! I’m attaching a warning to this recipe: you will eat it and not be able to stop. Be ready. Come with an empty stomach!

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Minions Party Popcorn

Minions Party Popcorn

Who loves movie night? I do!

It’s kind of amazing that after so many years and experiences, movie night still makes my heart go pitter-patter. There’s just something unquestionably fun about breaking out of the nightly bedtime routine with my kids and letting us all relax and enjoy a great movie!

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Loaded Caramel Apple Wedges

Loaded Caramel Apple Wedges

As usual, I wasn’t sure what to call this exactly. But I went through a few different names before settling on this one.

Last year, I tried to make loaded caramel apples. I de-waxed the apples, coated them in caramel, and covered the caramel in honey roasted peanuts and mini M & Ms. And they looked great.

But an hour later, the weight of the toppings and pulled the caramel right off the apple. So I got really angry and gave up. Until now. Because if you don’t like the rules, then change them. If a caramel apple loaded with toppings is delicious, then just do the same thing, but deconstruct it. Easy peasy! No more #caramelapplefail in your life.

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Summer In Review

Summer in Review

Summer’s over. I’ve finally accepted it. But I’m not quite ready to let go.

You see, summer comes with wonderful desserts. And ice cream. Have I mentioned ice cream?

This past week, I made a fantastic poke cake. It was so delicious. And the photos were a complete #epicfail. So instead of hanging my head in shame, I’m going to share my favorites with you from this past summer!

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Funfetti Pudding Pops

Funfetti Pudding Pops

Today’s my birthday, y’all. And I’m not taking the day off. Too many good desserts to share, too little time!

If you recall, a few days ago I turned my nerd on and explained why time passes faster as we age. Because of that unfortunate phenomenon, I’ve come to an important resolution.

This past week has been my family’s annual beach week. We go to the Eastern Shore with all of the family and enjoy time in the sun, sand, and amusement parks. While I was riding on the merry-go-round at Funland earlier, I realized that there’s only one thing I can do to stop time from moving so fast. Ready?

Stop. Rushing. Everything.

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Cinnamon Chocolate “Quesadillas”

Cinnamon Chocolate “Quesadillas”

So I speak enough Spanish to know that quesadillas contain cheese. These do not. But the concept is the same, so I’m cheating a little!

My third (and not final, one more Monday) Cinco de Mayo offering are these easy dessert…quesadillas? Tortillas with a rich cinnamon chocolate filling?

Who cares what they’re called? As Shakespeare said, roses are cool even if they’re not called that. That’s exactly the way he phrased it. And while I wish my name had been different, I’m still me.

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Cookies And Cream Mousse Flowerpots

Cookies and Cream Mousse Flowerpots

Every now and then, I like to ask myself deep questions or share them with friends. I’ve done this before, but here I go again:

-How does available space get filled so fast?

-Why doesn’t healthy food taste like brownies?

-If a tree falls in the forest and we think there’s nobody to hear, did it maybe crush the one person who was out for an early morning stroll?

-How do you keep small children occupied on endless snow days when you’re all trapped together in the house?

I have very few answers, but the last one has to be projects, projects, projects. Keep those little hands busy!

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Pies In Review

Pies in Review

Tomorrow, Fudge Week begins! I’m teaming up with Gayle from Pumpkin n’ Spice to give you some fantastic fudge recipes. We’re so excited to share with you!

Before that starts, though, I wanted to make sure your holiday pie plans are all set. The week of Thanksgiving I shared four pie recipes with you, but there are so many more that I love. Here’s a review of my favorites!

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Writing Process Blog Tour

Writing Process Blog Tour

And now for something completely different!

Any Monty Python fans out there?

Hmm. Anyway, today I’m not posting a recipe. But before you start pulling out your hair in disappointment, I have a perfectly valid explanation. Besides, more recipes (um, awesome ones) are coming fast!

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