Red, White and Blue Dipped Strawberries

Red, White And Blue Dipped Strawberries

Are you ready to party? It’s almost time for one of my favorite low-key holidays!

That’s right, kids. July 4th is just around the corner, so I’m dipping. Strawberries, that is. Honestly, is anything better than a dipped strawberry?

Don’t answer that question. Instead, think about how beautiful these will be at your holiday celebration, and how fancy they look. Especially think about how little time they take to make! About .02 seconds, really.

Red, White and Blue Dipped Strawberries

Have I mentioned that headlines are getting scarier? They really are. And through them all, I see one constant theme: fear.

People are afraid of the unfamiliar. When that happens, they can respond in one of two ways: they can educate themselves and get a realistic handle on the way things work, or they can hate without reason. Sadly, the masses often choose hate instead of understanding.

Red, White and Blue Dipped Strawberries

I realize that July 4th is, as I mentioned earlier, a low-key holiday that’s mainly meant to be fun. But this year, I feel as though it’s a much more thought-provoking day. The concept of having rights and freedoms only works if we use our privileges for good and not evil. Lately, some people have used the concepts our country was built upon as an excuse to exclude, or to hurt others. It’s unbelievably sad.

Red, White and Blue Dipped Strawberries

Rather than use the holiday as an excuse to get political, I just want to use it as a chance at introspection. Let’s really take some time and think about how we view our role in the world. Do we want to be the country that is known for increasingly frequent mass shootings? That gets into the habit of seeing a mythical past (which was actually quite full of racism) as a time when America was supposedly “great?” That sets a standard of fear for anyone who might not be a falsely construed prototype of an American?

This July 4th, I want to spend some time thinking about what’s been happening in our increasingly vitriolic and angry nation, and try to generate some hope that things will turn around soon.

Red, White and Blue Dipped Strawberries

I will also eat dipped strawberries, of course.

When people make dipped treats, they often use Candiquik or candy melts. That’s a fast way to operate, but I prefer to use real chocolate. It tastes better. So for these, I melted Ghirardelli white chocolate chips with some canola oil, dipped the strawberries, and covered them with patriotic sprinkles. It’s fast, easy, and totally delicious. It’s also pretty healthy!

Red, White and Blue Dipped Strawberries

As we approach our nation’s biggest patriotic holiday, I hope we all have a lot of fun. But I also hope we think about the way we should be living and treating others, because that’s a lot more important than anything else — even dessert.


Red, White and Blue Dipped Strawberries


1 pint strawberries, washed thoroughly
2 cups white chocolate chips
2 tablespoons canola or vegetable oil


  1. Place a silicone baking mat or parchment paper on a large platter or cookie sheet. Set aside.
  2. In a microwave-safe bowl, melt the white chocolate chips with oil for one minute. Stir until smooth.
  3. Dip each strawberry into the melted chocolate, twisting your wrist to release the excess chocolate. Coat each strawberry with sprinkles. I used my hand to let the sprinkles fall gently onto the dipped strawberry.
  4. Place each strawberry on the prepared surface to set. Once hardened, store chilled.


I fulfill many roles in life: wife, mother, teacher, everlasting learner. This site is dedicated to one role that expresses my creativity in ways that I find consistently challenging and rewarding: baker. Inventing new ways to enhance food, especially if that food involves chocolate or peanut butter (or both!), is a passion of mine. I look forward to sharing my ideas with you.

This Post Has 28 Comments

  1. Gayle @ Pumpkin 'N Spice

    Dipped strawberries are one of my favorite, easy desserts! You just can’t go wrong with a classic like that, especially for the 4th. I love how fun and festive these are, Mir! Perfect for the holiday!

    1. Mir

      Definitely can’t go wrong, Gayle!

  2. Megan - The Emotional Baker

    These strawberries are so perfect for a thoughtful and reflective 4th of July! Wishing you and your family a safe and fun filled holiday weekend 🙂
    Megan – The Emotional Baker recently posted…Blueberry Lime LoafMy Profile

    1. Mir

      You too, Megan!

  3. Amanda

    These are so festive and fun. A great way to bring in the 4th. And who doesn’t like chocolate dipped strawberries? Happy 4th of July!
    Amanda recently posted…Coconut Cream PieMy Profile

    1. Mir

      I ate them all fast! You know, so they wouldn’t go bad. 😉

  4. Alice @ Hip Foodie Mom

    Mir, well said my friend. All of it. . and I absolutely agree! “As we approach our nation’s biggest patriotic holiday, I hope we all have a lot of fun. But I also hope we think about the way we should be living and treating others, because that’s a lot more important than anything else — even dessert.” Couldn’t have said it better!!!!!
    Alice @ Hip Foodie Mom recently posted…How To Make Sushi At Home + A Video!My Profile

    1. Mir

      Thanks, Alice. I’m just scared of the world we live in. Every day’s paper is terrifying, and I wonder what my kids will think once they’re old enough to understand it all.

  5. Dawn @ Girl Heart Food

    Strawberries dipped in chocolate is always a winner in my books! Love how festive these look. I could easily eat the whole batch myself. Plus, it’s fruit so it’s guilt free (let’s just forget about the chocolate, right 😀 ? ) Have an awesome holiday, girl 🙂
    Dawn @ Girl Heart Food recently posted…Rosemary Chive Bread with ParmesanMy Profile

    1. Mir

      It’s very healthy, Dawn. Very!

  6. Cheyanne @ No Spoon Necessary

    4th of July always means a few things to me – grilling, fireworks and my birthday. 😉 I’ll be skipping the headlines, because honestly I can’t take all the hatred and fear out there. It’s entirely too depressing. BUT I will take a few dozen of these strawberries! There really isn’t much better than white chocolate dipped strawberries, so I LOVE these! Totally festive, fun and perfect for the 4th! Genius, girlfriend! Cheers!
    Cheyanne @ No Spoon Necessary recently posted…Avocado, Mango & King Crab RollsMy Profile

    1. Mir

      Yeah, the headlines are a downer. I live in the DC area, though, where it’s SO hard to avoid them!

  7. Jessica @ Citrus Blossom Bliss

    I’m loving these star spangled berries! Dipping fruit (or cookies) has to be one of my favorite easy desserts that people always gobble up really quickly. And I’m totally with you…the world would be a much better place if we all chose love instead of hate. I hope you and your family have a lovely holiday, Mir! Enjoy the summer!!
    Jessica @ Citrus Blossom Bliss recently posted…Honey and Maple Almond GranolaMy Profile

    1. Mir

      You too, Jessica. I hope we all have a good holiday!

  8. Manali@CookWithManali

    these are very cute, I would not share them with anyone!!
    Manali@CookWithManali recently posted…Paneer BhurjiMy Profile

    1. Mir

      Me neither, girlfriend!

  9. Kate @ Framed Cooks

    How adorable are these – strawberries with SPRINKLES!! And I am in awe of your bravery in melting chocolate, which is something I can’t ever seem to do the right way. I’m going to try your method with the oil – maybe that is the trick I’ve been waiting for! Happy 4th, Mir!
    Kate @ Framed Cooks recently posted…Potato Salad with Bacon and ParsleyMy Profile

    1. Mir

      I had to learn to melt chocolate, Kate. Once you’ve got it, you’ve got it!

  10. mira

    Love what you said! I can’t agree more!
    Dipped strawberries with real chocolate? These look perfect! Nice sweet treat for the holiday!
    mira recently posted…Crepes With Whipped Chocolate Coconut CreamMy Profile

    1. Mir

      Thanks, Mira! I knew we were simpatico. 🙂

  11. Jen | Baked by an Introvert

    These strawberries are just too cute, Mir! Dipped strawberries are one of my favorite treats. They are simple, yet fun enough for a festive holiday!
    Jen | Baked by an Introvert recently posted…Cherry Almond BiscottiMy Profile

    1. Mir

      Exactly. And you can dress them up!


    These will make the perfect centerpiece for our nation’s special day! Thanks for, once again, presenting us with something more to chew on than just your delicious treats! recently posted…Sticky Gingerbread with Orange IcingMy Profile

    1. Mir

      Thanks, Annie. You know I love to use my blog as an excuse to really write about my feelings!

  13. Dorothy @ Crazy for Crust

    I can’t even watch the news anymore, it just makes me too sad. It makes me pause this 4th, about where our country is headed. I love these easy strawberries. So pretty too!
    Dorothy @ Crazy for Crust recently posted…Hula PieMy Profile

    1. Mir

      The news is terrifying. Now this airport bombing, and a foiled school shooting in my area. When will it end?!

  14. Michele @ Alwayzbakin

    Yummy! These strawberries look scrumptious. I hope you’re having a wonderful summer. 🙂

    1. Mir

      Thanks, Michele! I am. Summer is happy time!

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