Kit Kat Cookie Bars

Kit Kat Cookie Bars

Anyone been neglecting the Kit Kats lately? Except me, that is?

Well, let’s get that fixed right away. Anything that involves a wafer and chocolate should never be ignored. That goes double for these bars, which exceed the already super addictive quotient of my usual baking fare.

Seriously, I couldn’t stop eating these. I tried, too. But no matter how many I gave away or shared, I still had enough to make a dent in the batch. And that is an accomplishment worth savoring, my friends.

Kit Kat Cookie Bars

In general, I’m a big believer in taking credit where it’s due. Maybe eating a ton of cookie bars isn’t precisely an accomplishment for most people, but it is for me. You see, like most women in America (80% according to most statistics), my relationship with food is not completely functional.

For many reasons, only some of which I understand, I developed an immense fear of weight gain back in college, and it has hovered in my consciousness ever since. I’ve never been overweight, and anyone looking at me from the outside would see a petite woman with an athletic build.

Kit Kat Cookie Bars

So then, why the complex? As I said, I can’t fully explain it, and it would take too long to try right now anyway. It’s partly social, partly psychological, and probably a tad genetic as well. It’s never easy to explain why we are the way we are.

Kit Kat Cookie Bars

I’ve had to work really hard over the past few years to try and get things in perspective, and it’s a battle I fight daily. In fact, my theory is that most food bloggers are fighting the good old balance battle, one way or another. Why else would we choose to spend so much of our time with tempting food?

Kit Kat Cookie Bars

In my case, facing the foods that have scared me has been pretty healing. Being around an object of fear removes quite a bit of that fear. I no longer look at Kit Kat cookie bars as an unattainable desire. Instead, they’re there. I eat them if I want them, or give them away if I don’t. If my lunch includes too many cookie bars, I’ll make sure that dinner is healthy and balanced. That’s all I can really do for now, and I’m trying not to hold myself to impossible health standards. Working out is great, but I can miss it now and then. Dessert is one of life’s pleasures, and I don’t want to cut out sugar. It would launch me into the throes of dysfunction.

As it turns out, Just About Baked is not just about dessert. I love telling you stories or making observations about life, and that’s not going to change anytime soon. And while we’re at it, I can also focus on the lovely desserts.

Kit Kat Cookie Bars

These cookie bars are thick and slathered in chocolate. Each little square has its own Kit Kat bite. These bars are pretty much perfect. I have no idea why it took me so long to do this.

Sometimes it takes a long time for us to admit that we’re not perfect, and even longer to admit that being perfect is not a feasible or desirable life goal. But when things get tough, we can face our fears and conquer them. After all, women are crazy strong. And it doesn’t hurt if our secret weapons include chocolate.


Kit Kat Cookie Bars


1 cup unsalted butter, softened
1 cup light brown sugar, firmly packed
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 cups flour
1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 package Kit Kat minis (you will not be using them all)


  1. Preheat the oven to 350. Line an 8-inch square pan with aluminum foil, leaving enough to hang over the sides. Coat with cooking spray.
  2. In the bowl of a stand mixer, beat the margarine and brown sugar until fluffy. Add the egg and vanilla and mix again. Gradually add the flour, mixing until just incorporated.
  3. Pat the cookie dough onto the prepared pan evenly. Bake for 20 minutes.
  4. Turn the oven off and sprinkle the chocolate chips on top. Return to the oven for two minutes.
  5. Remove the pan from the oven and spread the melted chocolate evenly over the surface of the cookie bars.
  6. Gently place Kit Kat minis at even intervals along the surface of the bars. They will start to melt, so don't touch them once the Kit Kat is placed.
  7. Let the bars cool completely. If you'd like the chocolate to harden entirely, chill the bars for 30 minutes. Let the bars come to room temperature.
  8. Cut into small squares. Store in an airtight container.


I fulfill many roles in life: wife, mother, teacher, everlasting learner. This site is dedicated to one role that expresses my creativity in ways that I find consistently challenging and rewarding: baker. Inventing new ways to enhance food, especially if that food involves chocolate or peanut butter (or both!), is a passion of mine. I look forward to sharing my ideas with you.

This Post Has 24 Comments

  1. Gayle @ Pumpkin 'N Spice

    I never really used to like kit kats all that much when I was younger, but now I love them! These cookie bars look like just the treat for me. These are so cute, too!
    Gayle @ Pumpkin ‘N Spice recently posted…Peanut Butter Apple Pie SmoothieMy Profile

    1. Mir

      Thanks, Gayle! I’m all about the cute, you know. 🙂

  2. Danielle

    Mir, I’m so glad that you wrote this post! I can relate 100% and I’ve found that baking desserts, enjoying one and giving the rest away has been a great way to overcome those worries. And these kit kat cookie bars? Oh yum! I adore kit kats and cookies, so these sound perfect.
    Danielle recently posted…Pumpkin Cupcakes with Cream Cheese FrostingMy Profile

    1. Mir

      That means a lot, Danielle! I’ve become very devoted to telling the truth about the REAL experiences of women. We tend to suffer silently and not share our imperfections, and that’s gotta stop!

  3. Alice @ Hip Foodie Mom

    Mir, as you know, I was a fat kid so “weight” has been something I think about all the time. Or did. . and as I grew older, it was more about loving myself and accepting myself no matter what size. . so I hear you on the fear of weight gain. I think honestly this is something most women struggle with. It’s so many things but yes totally social and psychological and all the things you said. I love your posts and stories and things you’ve been sharing with us! and I love that we have out blogs as creative outlets and just vehicles in which to let things out or share with people. I agree, it’s all about balance and not denying yourself. . so that means I would eat TWO of these kit kat cookie bars! 😛 love it!! We women are crazy strong!! 🙂
    Alice @ Hip Foodie Mom recently posted…Sweet Potato Deviled EggsMy Profile

    1. Mir

      I agree, Alice. It’s like we’re all struggling privately because we think we’re the only ones who have a body image issue, and most of our friends have the same issue! It’s so hard to love ourselves and our sizes when everything around us is pushing perfection in the form of unattainable physical appearances. I’m worried for my daughters, too, and what they’ll pick up from magazines and movies and life. It’s hard to be a woman! No wonder we’re strong.

  4. Kate @ Framed Cooks

    Well, you had me at Kit Kat! And so inspiring to read your thoughts about balance and weight – so true and so important.
    Kate @ Framed Cooks recently posted…Clam FrittersMy Profile

    1. Mir

      Yep, it’s become one of my causes, Kate. I’m big into health, but I also try so hard to balance everything. It’s a continuing struggle, but awareness is a big part of getting stronger!

  5. Jen | Baked by an Introvert

    As a woman, it is definitely hard for us to balance our weight. Especially as we get older and our hormones begin to change. Not looking forward to those days at all. Until then, I’m going to eat these kit kat cookie bars and be happy about it. They are so darling!
    Jen | Baked by an Introvert recently posted…Pumpkin CheesecakeMy Profile

    1. Mir

      Absolutely. It’s why I started strength training, to battle those changes that are coming. But yep, dessert helps keep us cheery!

  6. Manali @ CookWithManali

    You spoke my mind Mir, urgh this is one battle I fight everyday. Especially being a food blogger, it’s tougher to resist all the delicious things when you are always surrounded by it. I don’t deprive myself of desserts, if I feel like eating something I eat it. I guess that way I retain my sanity else I will go crazy with all the
    Love this bars, kit kat has always been a favorite!
    Manali @ CookWithManali recently posted…Spicy Cauliflower WingsMy Profile

    1. Mir

      Yep, it’s hard to stay sane with all the expectations that swirl around us, but yes. Deprivation doesn’t work!

  7. Medha @ Whisk & Shout

    These are perfect little squares of deliciousness! Kit kats are a fave of mine and these cookie bars do them justice 🙂
    Medha @ Whisk & Shout recently posted…Autumn Kale Salad with Tart Green Apples, Shaved Fennel, and BalsamicMy Profile

    1. Mir

      Thanks, Medha! I wish I could say I held back with these, but nope!

  8. Dorothy @ Crazy for Crust

    The thickness of these bars is perfection. And, well the Kit Kats.

    And food issues. You’re so right – so many of us food bloggers struggle! It’s a daily fight – about what to eat and emotionally!
    Dorothy @ Crazy for Crust recently posted…Pumpkin Apple No Bake DessertMy Profile

    1. Mir

      Yep, we struggle, but I want us to talk about it. Otherwise, we’re all alone in the fight! And yes…a thick cookie bar is a happy one!

  9. Michele @ Alwayzbakin

    Oh my gosh, these look like perfect little morsels! ANYTHING with a Kit Kat atop is obviously perfect. Yum!
    Michele @ Alwayzbakin recently posted…Browned Butter Streusel Pumpkin BreadMy Profile

    1. Mir

      Thanks, Michele! They made me very happy.

  10. Dannii @ Hungry Healthy Happy

    Kit Kats are one of my favourites! They do some amazing flavour ones here in the UK.
    Being a food blogger is really tough when it comes to balanced eating, and I don’t think many people realise that.
    Dannii @ Hungry Healthy Happy recently posted…Comment on Chocolate Banana Salted Caramel Oats by DanniiMy Profile

    1. Mir

      No, they don’t. Do they just think our kitchens magically contain all these goodies spontaneously? Nope, it’s part of our work!

  11. Trish - Mom On Timeout

    Love this post Mir! You are so SO right. And these bars are even more right 🙂 Little bites of perfection!
    Trish – Mom On Timeout recently posted…Bakery Style M&M’s and Chocolate Chunk CookiesMy Profile

    1. Mir

      Thanks, Trish! I think we all need to suffer a little more vocally. Then we won’t think we’re alone!

  12. Erin @ Making Memories

    Oh yum! They look delicious and so dang cute with the little Kit Kats on them.
    Erin @ Making Memories recently posted…Minions Lunch Box Notes {Free Printable}My Profile

    1. Mir

      Thanks, Erin! I’m all about cute treats. 🙂

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