Apparently, some of you have made resolutions for the new year. I don’t approve, but I’ll play along.
I’ve gone on for quite a while about how I believe in healthy balance and moderation all year long, and I find January 1st to be quite arbitrary a date to start getting healthy. But hey, who am I to discourage people from being healthier? After all, I’m a fitness junkie. I do barre workouts with religious zeal and fuel up with protein afterward. And this is one of my favorite ways to do it.
Three ingredients: peanut butter, tofu and powdered sugar. Blend. Chill. I’m done! Now can we start talking about the barre again?
Two years ago, I joined the cult of the barre via Physique 57, a super-ritzy program that is nothing short of addictive. If you don’t believe me, head to my basement. You’ll find a healthy assortment of free weights, a so-called “playground ball” that I squeeze between my thighs as I squat and cry, and an actual barre. Yep. I own a barre. Kenny makes endless fun of me for my barre, but I betcha he can’t stand up on the ball of one foot while lifting the other leg in the air and pulsing it endlessly and not falling over.
Last week, Physique 57 was offering a free trial week of their online streaming workouts, so of course, I signed up. I spent my free week grunting and stretching out sore muscles, which is my idea of a good time. But then, my free week ended. And I can’t quite bring myself to pay the $57 monthly fee to online stream the workouts, so I’m back to the land of the DVD. Why does it cost so much? Why, P57?
In the meantime, Kenny has taken up P90X, and his monthly streaming bills are a lot cheaper, so he gets to build his six-pack without guilt. I’m jealous, but not enough to ever leave the barre. Try it sometime! The DVDs are a lot more economically sound than the streaming. But you can stream my videos for free. See?
I’m on YouTube as Just About Baked. Go ahead and subscribe! But don’t be like me. I accidentally hit the “dislike” button on a video I made.
After my long workout (they can go anywhere from 60 to 90 minutes, depending on the barre DVD I’m using any given day), I need protein. Quickly. Because if you have protein within an hour of strength training, those long and lean muscles can pop out even more!
This pudding is almost pure protein, minus the sugar. It’s made of silken tofu, which liquefies very easily, along with creamy peanut butter and the aforementioned powdered sugar. You pulse those three simple ingredients for less than a minute, and there you have it. Well, after the chilling. The pudding must be chilled.
I’m not gonna lie here; you can taste a trace of tofu in this, but if you like the taste of tofu (which isn’t exactly a taste anyway), it works fine. And the peanut butter is a strong enough flavor to be the main focus. Plus, adding garnish makes the experience more fun. I added chocolate chips in the video above, but you can do whatever. Chopped peanuts, a cocoa powder dusting, or for decadence, chopped peanut butter cups or peanut butter chips. Anything will work!
Make the resolutions you want, and be happy. Just be sure that you already love who you are, and that you aim for balance and not deprivation. I might log in a lot of barre time, but that gives me the strength to get through the day and bake brownies, too. And that’s a goal worth striving for!
I fulfill many roles in life: wife, mother, teacher, everlasting learner.
This site is dedicated to one role that expresses my creativity in ways that I find consistently challenging and rewarding: baker.
Inventing new ways to enhance food, especially if that food involves chocolate or peanut butter (or both!), is a passion of mine. I look forward to sharing my ideas with you.
Is it just me, or have women engineered our lives so that we have no time at all?
See, we have rights and we can work and vote and do all those great things. Super! I’m excited to be alive in this time, really I am. But why does having permission to be considered equal to men translate into women suddenly being superheroes?
Because I am, ya know. Sometimes I lie back against my fluffy pillows at the end of the day and just sit there, dazed at how much I could pack into a day. And I’m not bragging, because I’m not pretending to do it well or anything. But somehow, it’s totally legit for women to figure out how to pack in work, family time, exercise, errands, logistics (don’t get me started on how much we plan), general hygiene, and oh so much more in one day. Every day. Relentlessly.
I’m not necessarily complaining, mainly because I’m lazy and tired and don’t feel like opening that can of worms right now. I’ll open it next week. I’m just trying to explain how I wound up baking when I had no time. These bars, to be exact.
I almost called this “Banoffee Cake,” but then I remembered that we’re not in England.
Across the pond, “banoffee” refers to the combination of bananas and toffee, typically in the form of a creamy pie. I must be honest: it’s not my favorite way to do pie. I’d rather hang out with key lime any day.
But then I got to thinking: what if the flavors got put into a different textural context? It turns out that I love banoffee when it’s in a cake. Or to be more specific, a cake I can’t stop eating. Which is fine, because it’s pretty healthy!
Guys. Seriously. Sometimes I really get happy with the desserts I make up.
If that sounds pretentious or immodest, please understand that I have a ton of baking fails as well, so whenever things go my way, I get super excited. This is one of those times.
This cake is autumn in a pan. When you bake it, your house will smell ah-may-zing. If we’re getting technical, this cake is the combined glory of cocoa, banana, pumpkin, and chocolate chips along with lovely fall spices like cinnamon and cloves. You’ve gotta bake it to believe it!
I lost my workout zeal, and I’m sad about that. I need to find my mojo, and I think yoga/pilates/barre are where I’m going to do that. Joining a studio is on my list!! LOVE THIS. I need to make it because I need protein! Dorothy @ Crazy for Crust recently posted…Easy Cinnamon Sugar Baked Oatmeal
It’s hard to do it unless it just becomes automatic, like getting up to brush your teeth. I hide my regular clothes so that I have to put on my workout clothes. 😉 But yeah, barre it up. I’m a total fanatic!
Wow! The recipe is not only sound healthy but also delicious. Hope you enjoyed Christmas and new year with your family. Have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Carrington recently posted…Best Food Processor Blender Combo Reviews 2015
I’m not on a New Year’s diet but I did vow to become healthier. 😀 This pudding is a great way to do that! Loving your videos Mir! Michele @ Alwayzbakin recently posted…Easy Cream Puff Swans
Healthy is a great goal. I’m so much more into the ideals of health and strength than some kind of unattainable beauty goal. Thanks for the love, Michele!
Mmm three ingredients for healthy pudding? Sign me up! I’ve never baked with tofu before, but I’m intrigued. Love the creamy texture and ease of this recipe! Gayle @ Pumpkin ‘N Spice recently posted…Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins
3 ingredients? Amazing! I’m with you…balance is the key to health and happiness! 🙂 annie@ciaochowbambina recently posted…Blood Orange & Raspberry Smoothie Bowl
I recently bought peanut butter ice cream and now I’m feeling guilty about it. This healthy pudding should be in its place. I can’t believe it’s only 3 ingredients! Jen | Baked by an Introvert recently posted…Grapefruit Pie with Honey Whipped Cream
I’m not much of an exerciser (hangs head in shame) but I can DEFINITELY get healthy with this pudding – looks scrumptious!! Kate @ Framed Cooks recently posted…Chicken Pesto Soup
Mir, I love this pudding!!!!! Silken tofu?!!! I’ve got to try this! and I LOVE the video!!!!! I did P90x YEARS ago with my sister-in-law and brother-in-law. My arms got pretty toned and my brother in law lost like 40 lbs. IT’s great and hard work! I love that you love Physique 57!!! I feel like that’s the thing with these workout programs. . they are sooooo $$$$ . . but what can you do? EAT MORE PUDDING! Happy New Year!!! Alice @ Hip Foodie Mom recently posted…The Perfect Green Smoothie
From what I hear, there are a TON of push-ups in P90X. So that will definitely get those triceps ripped! As for the expense of some workout programs, I get it. But the activist side of me wants free fitness for all!
I don’t make resolutions either, Mir. But more power to those who do… I’m not going to hate on anyone’s game. I haven’t tried Barre yet, but you have me wanting to! I’m really into boxing and kick boxing, but you aren’t the only person who has spoken highly of Barre. Must. Try. Clearly. 😉 But not for 57$ a month. I’m cheap. lol. Anyways, I have been having weird cravings for pudding and your peanut butter puddin’ looks yummm! LOVE that you used silken tofu!! This is post work out perfection! Cheers, doll! Cheyanne @ No Spoon Necessary recently posted…Roasted Cauliflower & Chickpea Salad {with Pears & Maple-Cashew Dressing}
Kick boxing is awesome, Chey! I’ve always wanted to try that. Maybe you can do barre and I can do kick boxing and we’ll meet in the middle and compare? 🙂
Wow, this looks so creamy and delicious! I could imagine this waiting for me after a nice, long curling game. 🙂 We used to do the Insanity thing, and holy cow…I think those videos almost killed me. Now that I think about it, maybe I should try them again sometime. Of course, I’ll probably make it about 10 minutes into the first one and think “what in the world was I thinking??” Haha. But if this pudding is waiting for me at the end, then I might make it all the through. Might is the key word! David @ Spiced recently posted…Oat Bran Bread
I’m not much for resolutions either, Mir. I agree that balance is always good. I usually need to lighten up a little bit at the beginning of the year to balance out all my naughty behavior during the holidays. I’ve never tried a barre class, but it sounds fun. I’ve been wanting to try one of those aerial yoga classes. I sure don’t need any of these thing to want some of this peanut butter puddings though! Peanut butter is totally my jam! Great video too! Rachelle @ Beer Girl Cooks recently posted…Sweet Josie Brown Ale Beer Braised Chuck Short Ribs Pot Roast
Meh. We like to eat cookies a lot sometimes, and that’s not a bad thing. It’s just celebratory! And then we stop and all returns to normal. And aerial yoga sounds like SO much fun. Try it and then write about it!
I was doing so well with exercise for a long time, but I swear I’m the world’s clumsiest person. Everything I do seems to result in a ridiculous injury. 🙂 Peanut butter pudding is probably tied with chocolate as my absolute favorite, and I love how much protein is packed in here. Looks great!
I’m clumsy, too! I had to stop running because I fell hard, then broke my hip in a stress fracture, and then I ran again and fell again. I’m a faller. So barre is much safer!
I’m with you on eating right and moderation all year long. But there is something fun about setting new goals at the beginning of the year. My goal…keep at the workouts even though it’s in our garage. It makes it so easy to say, “l’ll do it later” when I don’t have to go anywhere!! This creamy pudding looks awesome and I love the protein in it! Jocelyn @BruCrew Life recently posted…Mocha Hot Chocolate Cookie Bars
It’s true that setting goals is lots of fun. And I’m a big believer in working out at home. It’s so much easier than struggling to get to a gym (or paying the membership)!
I lost my workout zeal, and I’m sad about that. I need to find my mojo, and I think yoga/pilates/barre are where I’m going to do that. Joining a studio is on my list!! LOVE THIS. I need to make it because I need protein!
Dorothy @ Crazy for Crust recently posted…Easy Cinnamon Sugar Baked Oatmeal
It’s hard to do it unless it just becomes automatic, like getting up to brush your teeth. I hide my regular clothes so that I have to put on my workout clothes. 😉 But yeah, barre it up. I’m a total fanatic!
Wow! The recipe is not only sound healthy but also delicious. Hope you enjoyed Christmas and new year with your family. Have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Carrington recently posted…Best Food Processor Blender Combo Reviews 2015
Thanks! You too!
I’m not on a New Year’s diet but I did vow to become healthier. 😀 This pudding is a great way to do that! Loving your videos Mir!
Michele @ Alwayzbakin recently posted…Easy Cream Puff Swans
Healthy is a great goal. I’m so much more into the ideals of health and strength than some kind of unattainable beauty goal. Thanks for the love, Michele!
Mmm three ingredients for healthy pudding? Sign me up! I’ve never baked with tofu before, but I’m intrigued. Love the creamy texture and ease of this recipe!
Gayle @ Pumpkin ‘N Spice recently posted…Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins
Thanks, Gayle! Tofu is tricky sometimes, but I do love it!
I’m convinced, I am going to try this today.
Amy recently posted…Raisin Drop Cakes
Hope it worked out, Amy!
3 ingredients? Amazing! I’m with you…balance is the key to health and happiness! 🙂
annie@ciaochowbambina recently posted…Blood Orange & Raspberry Smoothie Bowl
Balance is tough, but it’s always the goal I strive toward!
I recently bought peanut butter ice cream and now I’m feeling guilty about it. This healthy pudding should be in its place. I can’t believe it’s only 3 ingredients!
Jen | Baked by an Introvert recently posted…Grapefruit Pie with Honey Whipped Cream
NEVER feel guilty about PB ice cream, Jen! Never. It’s food of the gods!
Only 3 ingredients? I need to try this!
Hope you like it, Manali!
I’m not much of an exerciser (hangs head in shame) but I can DEFINITELY get healthy with this pudding – looks scrumptious!!
Kate @ Framed Cooks recently posted…Chicken Pesto Soup
No shame, Kate. If you don’t like it, you don’t. I’m just a masochist that way. 🙂
Mir, I love this pudding!!!!! Silken tofu?!!! I’ve got to try this! and I LOVE the video!!!!! I did P90x YEARS ago with my sister-in-law and brother-in-law. My arms got pretty toned and my brother in law lost like 40 lbs. IT’s great and hard work! I love that you love Physique 57!!! I feel like that’s the thing with these workout programs. . they are sooooo $$$$ . . but what can you do? EAT MORE PUDDING! Happy New Year!!!
Alice @ Hip Foodie Mom recently posted…The Perfect Green Smoothie
From what I hear, there are a TON of push-ups in P90X. So that will definitely get those triceps ripped! As for the expense of some workout programs, I get it. But the activist side of me wants free fitness for all!
I don’t make resolutions either, Mir. But more power to those who do… I’m not going to hate on anyone’s game. I haven’t tried Barre yet, but you have me wanting to! I’m really into boxing and kick boxing, but you aren’t the only person who has spoken highly of Barre. Must. Try. Clearly. 😉 But not for 57$ a month. I’m cheap. lol. Anyways, I have been having weird cravings for pudding and your peanut butter puddin’ looks yummm! LOVE that you used silken tofu!! This is post work out perfection! Cheers, doll!
Cheyanne @ No Spoon Necessary recently posted…Roasted Cauliflower & Chickpea Salad {with Pears & Maple-Cashew Dressing}
Kick boxing is awesome, Chey! I’ve always wanted to try that. Maybe you can do barre and I can do kick boxing and we’ll meet in the middle and compare? 🙂
Wow, this looks so creamy and delicious! I could imagine this waiting for me after a nice, long curling game. 🙂 We used to do the Insanity thing, and holy cow…I think those videos almost killed me. Now that I think about it, maybe I should try them again sometime. Of course, I’ll probably make it about 10 minutes into the first one and think “what in the world was I thinking??” Haha. But if this pudding is waiting for me at the end, then I might make it all the through. Might is the key word!
David @ Spiced recently posted…Oat Bran Bread
Insanity is truly insane. I watched my friend literally do half and vomit, then come back and finish it. It gets crazy!
I’m not much for resolutions either, Mir. I agree that balance is always good. I usually need to lighten up a little bit at the beginning of the year to balance out all my naughty behavior during the holidays. I’ve never tried a barre class, but it sounds fun. I’ve been wanting to try one of those aerial yoga classes. I sure don’t need any of these thing to want some of this peanut butter puddings though! Peanut butter is totally my jam! Great video too!
Rachelle @ Beer Girl Cooks recently posted…Sweet Josie Brown Ale Beer Braised Chuck Short Ribs Pot Roast
Meh. We like to eat cookies a lot sometimes, and that’s not a bad thing. It’s just celebratory! And then we stop and all returns to normal. And aerial yoga sounds like SO much fun. Try it and then write about it!
I was doing so well with exercise for a long time, but I swear I’m the world’s clumsiest person. Everything I do seems to result in a ridiculous injury. 🙂 Peanut butter pudding is probably tied with chocolate as my absolute favorite, and I love how much protein is packed in here. Looks great!
I’m clumsy, too! I had to stop running because I fell hard, then broke my hip in a stress fracture, and then I ran again and fell again. I’m a faller. So barre is much safer!
I’m with you on eating right and moderation all year long. But there is something fun about setting new goals at the beginning of the year. My goal…keep at the workouts even though it’s in our garage. It makes it so easy to say, “l’ll do it later” when I don’t have to go anywhere!! This creamy pudding looks awesome and I love the protein in it!
Jocelyn @BruCrew Life recently posted…Mocha Hot Chocolate Cookie Bars
It’s true that setting goals is lots of fun. And I’m a big believer in working out at home. It’s so much easier than struggling to get to a gym (or paying the membership)!
This looks delicious and I love how creamy and healthy it is! Where do you buy your silken tofu? I can only ever find extra firm!
Medha @ Whisk & Shout recently posted…Miso Soba Noodle Soup with Jalapeños, Shallots, Basil, and Tofu
I just got it at Safeway, Medha! It comes in a box rather than a plastic container. It’s called silken firm tofu, or something like that.
Happy New year!!! I am madly in love with pudding!!I am going to try this!!!!!!!
Susan recently posted…How To Dehydrate Food In The Toaster Oven (Infographic)
Thanks, Susan! Hope you enjoy!