Swirled Peppermint Bark

Swirled Peppermint Bark

I’m in the land of the stomach virus. Again.

If you read my blog with any regularity, you know that my children are constantly infecting me with diseases. I can’t seem to make them stop. And while I’ve grown reconciled to the common cold, I wish that stomach viruses could stop being the number one thing my kids transmit on a regular basis.

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Candy Cane Ganache Pie

Candy Cane Ganache Pie

Do you have a Thanksgiving food hangover? Can you take one more pie?

Sorry, but it’s still officially Pie Week here on Just About Baked. I see no reason to stop making pies. Why should I? As long as I’ve got breath in me, I will bake pies!

Don’t worry, this one is easy. And delicious. And holiday-esque. And gluten-free. And mint, which is highly rare on this blog. In case you missed it earlier, I’m not so fond of mint.

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