Raspberry Crumb Bars

Raspberry Crumb Bars

Every now and then, the people I love let me go to a farmer’s market on Sunday morning. You see, kids are really impatient. They don’t find stalls full of jewelry and baked goods and produce appealing. They think it’s kind of dull unless they happen to be eating the baked goods. The whole time.

During one happy farmer’s market outing many moons ago, I sampled the best raspberry crumb bars in the universe. No, I’m not being hyperbolic. They were incredible. I would actually pick one over a Reese’s. That should give you an idea of how amazing they were.

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Mega M & M Peanut Butter Bars

Mega M & M Peanut Butter Bars

Camp started this week, and every morning is a blur. My husband and I take turns working out, and whoever is not exercising or getting dressed is getting the kids ready. Lunchboxes are packed, bathing suits put on, sunscreen slathered into every crevice, and then there is so much more to remember. Is it pizza day? Did we sign a permission slip to let our son go on a boat? For our daughter to ride a pony?

Now that I’m on a teaching hiatus, I’m actually less efficient. Routines make me work harder and better. Not that I’m complaining. Summer is kind of cool. But when I’m running around in the morning like a nutter butter, I need to have some quick baking projects. This is one of them.

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White Chocolate Pistachio Cookies

White Chocolate Pistachio Cookies

Okay, kids, I’m gonna keep this one short. I was out late with the girls last night eating really amazing food and I’m worn out. I can’t party like I used to, which is a shame. But at the same time, I don’t really want to be up until two dancing the night away with bruised feet. I’d rather be in bed, snuggled up with my iPad and Netflix bingeing.

Anyway, the idea for these cookies came from a Godiva truffle. They have this summer ice cream parlor line, and the pistachio flavor is so incredible. I could eat way too many at once. They remind me a bit of marzipan, but with white chocolate in the mix. So amazing

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Cinnamon Pecan Crunch Bars

Cinnamon Pecan Crunch Bars

My middle daughter is quite a diva. At age four, she is already demanding in ways I never remember being.

I was doing her hair the other day and she asked for me to do it “just like Elsa’s.” I swear to all the powers above, Frozen is doing me in. My hair is turning gray from that movie alone and how addicted my kids are to it. Anyway, no matter what I did to her hair, she continued to insist that it didn’t look right. I mean, duh. She has shoulder-length dirty blonde curly hair. Elsa has waist-length platinum flowy masses of Pantene commercial hair.

But try explaining that to a preschooler. To say she threw a tantrum would be an understatement.

She’s also been planning her fourth birthday party with way too much intricate detail. Have I mentioned she has two themes? Hello Kitty and (duh again) Frozen. Luckily, when it comes to party prep, I actually bake enough to satisfy her. And these cinnamon crunch bars are all part of the pre-party baking binge!

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S’more Brownie Cupcakes

S'more Brownie Cupcakes

Camp starts next week. Thanks be to all the powers above. I’m totally destroyed.

Listen, I love being a mom. But part-time mommyhood is kind of my thing. I need to be elsewhere during the day to fully appreciate all of the stuff my kids pull, like covering the walls in sidewalk chalk or leaving raisins all over the house like animal droppings. I wish I were strong enough to handle them 24/7, but I’m just not.

Summer is a great wake-up call for me about my job and why I love it. I get to be an at-home mom for two months while not teaching, and then I can fully appreciate being with my kids all day. But man, is it ever the most exhausting job in the world. That’s why we need cupcakes!

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Monster Cookie Dough Fudge Bars (Gluten-Free!)

Monster Cookie Dough Fudge Bars (Gluten-Free!)

My husband is very romantic, but not in the way people might consider stereotypical. He’s never stood outside my window with a giant boom box blasting “In Your Eyes,” nor has he borrowed his friend’s dad’s Ferrari to impress me as we cruise around downtown Chicago on a school day…

Wait. I’m confusing real life with John Hughes movies again.

Yesterday, my husband installed a much better spam filter for my site. You know, so I can stop getting comments like, “There are many women body types and depending on your shape, you will definitely get the best design that fits you perfectly.”

Say what? And that’s one that makes more sense than most. Most are not in English.

So yeah, my husband has filtered my Spam. And in return, I’ve made him another gluten-free treat. A really fun one, if I do say so myself!

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