Oh, Thanksgiving. How you torture me.
For weeks, I test out pie recipe after pie recipe, putting my very favorites right here on JAB for all to enjoy. But when the big day comes, I have to decide which pies to put on the table. So far, I’m committed to a Dutch apple pie with oat crust and some kind of cookie pie, as well as my pumpkin ganache pie. But that leaves two pies up in the air, plus a non-pie dessert. I’m thinking Kahlua cake.
These little guys are certainly a serious contender. They’re small enough to be portion-controlled (though who wants that on Thanksgiving?), and they have just the right amount of both chocolate and pumpkin. Plus, they’re elegant. I’m quite a fan.
I was busy watching an episode of Next Great Baker this morning while I whipped up some ganache. First of all, I love that show, but I love baking while I watch that show even more. If you’re not familiar, a posse of bakers vie for the grand prize from Cake Boss star Buddy Valastro, which usually includes a whole lotta cash as well as a chance to work at Carlo’s Bakery. The bakers have to be smart and talented, but they also have to move very fast.
The show really should be called Next Great Cake Decorator, because that’s the focus. I’ve seen many a clearly talented baker get booted because a cake failed. Sometimes the flaws are structural, but often, it’s that the decorating just doesn’t go that well. I have a lot of faith in my baking skills, but I’d never do that well on the show because my fondant skills just…aren’t. I don’t even like fondant.
What Buddy should totally do is a Next Great Baking Blogger show. I’d watch that, and I bet some of you would, too. We could all vie for some awesome prize, like Queen of the Baking World. I’ve always wanted a crown. Or heck, we could also compete for cold hard cash. I like that, too.
While I was watching this morning, I saw these two huge, jacked-up bakers from New Jersey flexing their various muscle groups and looking so proud of their ability to lift gigantic cakes. And all I could think about was how proud they were of their hugeness. I’ve always been petite, and I’m cool with that. So I guess we love what we relate to. They love their giant cake, and I love my little pies.
These are so cute, and of course, they aren’t just pumpkin. They’re chocolate pumpkin. To make the filling, you literally melt chocolate and add it to all the standard pumpkin pie ingredients. The result is pretty noteworthy. The pie tastes a lot like pumpkin pie, but there’s that added richness of the chocolate. If you’ve never tried it, I urge you to give it a shot.
I used refrigerated dough, rolling out little circles and placing them in a muffin tin. In went the filling, and after baking and a night of chilling, I piped a lattice design on top with hot fudge. If you never use hot fudge for decorating, you should. It comes out more slowly than melted chocolate, giving you more control over the final look.
Even as I write this, I’m itching to get back to Next Great Baker. I’m so much more productive in the kitchen when I can bake right along with a whole slew of hyper-competitive dessert chefs. Or cake decorators. Whatever they are, they’re fun. And so are these little tiny pies! Try to work both into your life, if you possibly can.
- Preheat the oven to 350. Coat two 12-yield muffin tins with cooking spray. Set aside.
- On a nonstick surface like Silpat, roll out the pie dough. Using a drinking glass, cut out circles and fit each circle into the muffin tin, being sure to press the dough up the sides. Poke the bottom of each little crust with a fork.
- Bake the crusts for 10 minutes. Remove from oven.
- While the crusts are baking, make the pie filling. In a microwave-safe bowl, melt the butter and chocolate chips for 1 minute. Stir until the chocolate melts smoothly into the butter. Set aside.
- Combine the remaining filling ingredients in a bowl. Pour the chocolate mixture into the pumpkin mixture, making sure the filling is smooth and all ingredients are evenly incorporated.
- Spoon the pie filling into the crusts, filling up to near the top. Bake for an additional 20-25 minutes until the filling is set.
- Cool completely. Chill the mini-pies overnight.
- When you're ready, fill a piping bag with room-temperature hot fudge ice cream topping. Using a small round tip, pipe a lattice design onto the pies.
- Serve. Store chilled and covered.
Chocolate. With pumpkin. Equals AMAZING! Oh how I love fall because of the pumpkin – and to incorporate chocolate? Pure superbness. They are absolutely so cute, love everything mini!
Aria | Purrfectly Inspired recently posted…How to be Mature and Classy in Your Teens (Part I)
Thanks, Aria! I do love the pumpkin part of fall, but the colder weather part? Not as much. 🙂
I still don’t know what I’m making for Thanksgiving dessert. These pies look like they’d be a hit!
Dorothy @ Crazy for Crust recently posted…Double Chocolate Cream Pie
I think I’ll make some final decisions this weekend, but yep, haven’t decided yet!
I’m not a fan of fondant also. It seems easy (haha) to work with, but I heard it tastes gross. It’s on my to-do list though to try it out. Show seems and sounds interesting. I’m going to see if it’s available on Netflix. :p
Also, these pies look soooooo good!!! I’m totes going to make it and I love the decoration on top, looks like a lattice framework.
It does taste gross. I’d rather work with buttercream and have it be not quite as perfectly smooth than deal with fondant. The show isn’t on Netflix, but it’s on Hulu! Hope you enjoy!
I’d so love to be your tester for all these pies, all of them looks so delicious!
Jasline (Foodie Baker) recently posted…Sweet and Sour Pork (Gu Lou Yok / 咕噜肉)
Thanks, Jasline! I’d love to have more testers!
These little pies are so cute! I definitely think they should be at your Thanksgiving dessert table. I definitely wouldn’t be able to resist the chocolate ganache on top. Just perfect!
Gayle @ Pumpkin ‘N Spice recently posted…Roasted Maple Sweet Potato Breakfast Skillet
Thanks, Gayle! I’ll see if they make the final cut!
I love that you are still rocking the pumpkin recipes! These are such cute little pies, and perfectly decorated too I must say!
Dannii @ Hungry Healthy Happy recently posted…Comment on Blackberry Matcha Smoothie by Dannii
Thanks, Dannii! I’m trying to keep the pumpkin love going for one more week!
Mir, I’ve never seen the Next Great Baker show. . but I would totally watch the “Next Great Baking Blogger” show! ha! wouldn’t that be awesome?! and your Thanksgiving Day dessert table sounds fabulous! I agree, go with a variety!!! love these mini chocolate pumpkin pies!!!! delicious!
Alice @ Hip Foodie Mom recently posted…Healthier Green Bean Casserole
We should pitch that idea to a network, Alice. It would be great to watch bloggers compete for big prizes!
The next great baking blogger is a terrific idea! I’d totally watch that AND cheer you on! As far as thanksgiving desserts go, you are about a million steps ahead of me. BUT, Lucky for me this year it’s just me, Boy and the in-laws, and I think my MIL is making the dessert. 🙂 I’m going to send her this link because I’m LOVING thesee mini pies!! So gorgeous and tres chic! Plus chocolate and pumpkin is something everyone (Ahh hem minus me) will devour! Pinned! Cheers, doll!
Cheyanne @ No Spoon Necessary recently posted…Croissant, Caramelized Onion, Sausage & Pecan Stuffing
You’d have to be on with me, Cheyanne! You’d be the blogger who did great with main dishes and boozy drinks, and I’d handle desserts. We’d be a great team!
These are just perfect for Thanksgiving! I need to start deciding on the menu since I’m cooking this year. I could definitely see these mini chocolate pumpkin pies being a big hit!
Jen | Baked by an Introvert recently posted…Apple Cider Coffee Cake
I need to make some final decisions too, Jen. Thanks!
I’m with Chey on the next great baking blogger! I think that would be a great idea and you totally have my support! I also support these little pies 100%! I mean chocolate and pumpkin and fudge?!?! Yes! You are really ahead of the game with your Thanksgiving planning! The only thing I know for certain that we are having is turkey. 🙂
Rachelle @ Beer Girl Cooks recently posted…Hearty Holiday Breakfast Frittata
I mean, DWTS is fun and all, but Next Great Baking Blogger? Now THAT is good TV, Rachelle!
I would totally be down to watch (or be on!!) “The Next Great Baking Blogger” show. Is there somewhere you can pitch this fabulous idea? Also, these little pies look darn adorable! I’ve never actually had chocolate mixed in with pumpkin, but it sounds delish!
Jessica @ Citrus Blossom Bliss recently posted…Strawberries and Cream Protein Smoothie
My guess is that I’m not important enough to pitch the idea. But I would love for it to happen. It would be a great show! Like, competitive photo taking. Fun, right?
You are a MIND-reader – my daughter was just asking me if I had a recipe for mini pumpkin pies and I didn’t – but now I do!! Hurray!!
Kate @ Framed Cooks recently posted…Chicken Poached In Milk
Yay! Hope your daughter enjoys! I can’t wait for my daughters to be old enough to bake!
These look fabulous and will be perfect on the Thanksgiving table! PS: My fondant skills aren’t that great either! :/
Manali @ CookWithManali recently posted…Orange Chocolate Chip Biscotti
Yeah, I just really don’t love fondant. I mean, it looks super pretty. But it tastes icky.
These are so cute! I’ve never made mini pies before, but these seem like they’d be a great Thanksgiving option. Thanks for sharing!
Heather recently posted…DIY pumpkin pie spice + 3 ways to use it
Thanks, Heather! I love the mini-pie option. It makes me happy!
Usually pecan tarts are my favorite, buuuuut i think they may have been overruled with these guys. I could eat these instead of Thanksgiving dinner for sure =P
Beverley @ sweaty&fit recently posted…15 Minute Advanced Full Body Workout
Aww, thanks, Beverley! I prefer to focus on dessert at Thanksgiving. I mean, turkey is kind of meh. But pie? Pie is the best!
Wow your Thanksgiving prep is hardcore- I wanna be eating 5 pies that you’ve made 🙂 These look delicious 🙂
Medha @ Whisk & Shout recently posted…Cranberry Coconut Energy Bars {Raw, Vegan, GF}
Thanks, Medha! I take dessert very seriously. Very.
Mir, these little pies are adorable! I bet they are swoon-worthy too! 😉 I have yet to determine which pies are going on my table for Thanksgiving. So far I have pumpkin. 😮
Michele @ Alwayzbakin recently posted…Book Review: Food52-Baking
Pumpkin is the place to start, Michele! I wanted to try out brown sugar pumpkin this year. I hear it’s the best!
So, I think you need to write to Buddy with your brilliant idea for a show…and then you need to go ahead and win it. Because we all totally know you could/should/would, and then you’d be sitting pretty in your crown! These mini pumpkin pies are fabulous!!
annie@ciaochowbambina recently posted…Apples & Maple Italian Bread Pudding with Cinnamon Whipped Cream + GIVEAWAY
Maybe I will. But Buddy will not respect my views on fondant. I would love a crown, though. I’d wear it every day!
How have I never seen that show?! I need to look it up, even though I’ve never even use fondant so I definitely wouldn’t do too well. I love the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving because it’s pie heaven! This chocolate pumpkin version looks absolutely amazing.
Rachel @ Bakerita recently posted…Easy Brie Bites
Yep, he’s very big on fondant. I get it…it looks really nice. But buttercream tastes a million times better!