Coffee Granita

Coffee Granita

Confession time: I am not a coffee drinker.

Don’t hate. It’s not that coffee doesn’t taste delicious. It’s more of a personal choice. See, as the daughter of a die-hard coffee addict, I just decided to go a different way in life. Plus, I don’t like the tooth stains. They’re not too pretty.

Still, the flavor is great, and I love to bake with coffee. Or make icy summer treats with coffee. This granita is quick and easy. All it takes is two ingredients and you’re on your way to icy coffee happiness!

Coffee Granita

This week, I’ve been alternately going to work for meetings and staying home for what I call Camp Mommy. Next week I go back to work completely, and I gotta tell you, it will be a lot easier than being in charge of Camp Mommy. For you full-time moms who have kids at home, I salute you.

Yesterday we went to the following places: the park, the bouncy place, Target, and the library. We went home for about a halfย hour somewhere in the middle to have lunch, and when I begged my kids to let me have five minutes to sit on the couch before heading out again, my son said, “Camp Mommy is boring. You just want us to rest.”

I mean, really? Really?!

Coffee Granita

Parenthood is a thankless job. People complain that teaching is, too, but I do get thanked occasionally. So there. Wrangling 150 teenagers per semester is a heck of a lot easier than managing my own three children.

That’s why I get so angry when people think that teaching is anything like childcare. When I tell people that I’m not actually that into kids who aren’t my own, they stare at me and say, “But you’re a teacher.” Yep, that’s right. I love working with teenagers, but note my word choice: “working with.” As in, helping them learn and grow. I’m not instinctively nurturing, and that’s not my job as a teacher. I’m around to teach these kids how to write and think critically. It’s fun, rewarding, and crazy hard work.

Coffee Granita

It’s also nothing like childcare. For me, teaching is easier, but it depends on your personality. Most people can’t teach for more than a few years without quitting because they fundamentally misunderstand the job. That’s why teacher retention rates are so low.

And teaching is definitely exhausting. I’m up crazy early, have days that go 11-12 hours (and that’s before I go home, make dinner, play with kids, do bathtime and bedtime, and then start grading papers again), and collapse exhausted into bed. Teachers tend to sleep very well at night. And it’s very tempting when it’s dark and cold outside to turn to the nice hot coffee.

But I’ve been down that road, and it scared me how much happier I was with caffeine. It just wasn’t me. So instead, I limit my coffee consumption to treats like granita.

Coffee Granita

Granita is an icy concoction that is made by combining sugar with a flavor choice (like pureed fruit or, in this case, coffee) and then freezing the mixture into icy little shards. You accomplish its texture by stirring the granita at regular intervals during the freezing process. It’s not hard to make at all, but don’t make a batch unless you’ll be home for a couple of hours to stir it up.

For a better granita, use a good-quality coffee. You could make it really strong and use espresso, but then don’t have this for dessert after dinner unless you want to be peeled off the ceiling. Remember, this is real coffee we’re dealing with.

No matter how you spend your days, you reserve the right to be exhausted. To make those in-between moments a little easier, work some coffee into your dessert!


Coffee Granita


3 cups brewed coffee
1/2 cup sugar


  1. Combine the coffee and the sugar, mixing well.
  2. Pour the coffee mixture into a 9-inch round pan. If the coffee is still very hot, be careful.
  3. Transfer the pan to the freezer, taking care not to spill the contents.
  4. After 30-45 minutes, stir up the hardened flakes that have frozen at the edges. From that point on, stir every 20-30 minutes until the whole pan is made up of icy flakes.
  5. Ideally, serve soon after making the granita. If not, use a fork to break up the ice before serving.


I fulfill many roles in life: wife, mother, teacher, everlasting learner. This site is dedicated to one role that expresses my creativity in ways that I find consistently challenging and rewarding: baker. Inventing new ways to enhance food, especially if that food involves chocolate or peanut butter (or both!), is a passion of mine. I look forward to sharing my ideas with you.

This Post Has 22 Comments

  1. Anu-My Ginger Garlic Kitchen

    Wow, Mir! Absolutely loving this coffee granita! I am not a coffee addict, but I do LOVE coffee. And this sounds perfect. Love how quick and easy this is! ๐Ÿ™‚
    Anu-My Ginger Garlic Kitchen recently posted…Achaari Aloo GobiMy Profile

    1. Mir

      Thanks, Anu! It’s very easy. I recommend!

  2. Gayle @ Pumpkin 'N Spice

    Even though you don’t like coffee, I love that you still bake with it! This granita sounds so good, Mir! I’ve been seeing these recipes pop up all over pinterest, and I had no idea just how easy it was to make. I love the texture and flavor. What a refreshing treat for the steamy hot weather my area has been having!
    Gayle @ Pumpkin ‘N Spice recently posted…Zesty GuacamoleMy Profile

    1. Mir

      I first had granita a couple of years ago, and decided it was high time to try it, Gayle! It’s great for the 90-degree temps we’ve been having all summer!

  3. Kate @ Framed Cooks

    I’m not a coffee drinker either (I wish I could like the stuff) but I love the smell of it – go figure. I’m going to have to give this one a try….it looks so refreshing!
    Kate @ Framed Cooks recently posted…Chicken Parmesan PastaMy Profile

    1. Mir

      I love how it smells too, Kate. And tastes. But I try to get sleep so I don’t want it!

  4. Manali @ CookWithManali

    I prefer my masala chai over coffee anyday (it’s an Indian thing I guess!) but just like you I really like baking with coffee! The granita looks super refreshing, love that it’s so easy! Good luck with going back to work ๐Ÿ™‚
    Manali @ CookWithManali recently posted…Spinach RaitaMy Profile

    1. Mir

      My husband’s a chai addict, Manali! He loves it. Baking with coffee is the best.

  5. Ami@NaiveCookCooks

    oooh I love coffee so coffee granita sounds just the right thing to do so I have even more excuses to stuff my face with coffee!!
    Ami@NaiveCookCooks recently posted…Chocolate Peanut Butter Rice Krispie Treats + GIVEAWAY!My Profile

  6. Michele @ Two Raspberries

    this is an awesome idea! I absolutely neeeed my coffee LOL and this is a much funner way to enjoy it! YUM ๐Ÿ˜‰

  7. Dannii @ Hungry Healthy Happy

    My husband used to be the same, he wasn’t a coffee drinker, but he really enjoyed coffee flavoured things. I guess a bit like people that hate tomatoes, but like tomato ketchup haha.
    I haven’t heard of granita before, but it sounds really nice and sweet.
    Dannii @ Hungry Healthy Happy recently posted…Comment on Whipped Feta Bruschetta Corn Cakes by DanniiMy Profile

    1. Mir

      Ketchup is pretty awesome, you have to admit. ๐Ÿ™‚ Granita is really nice, and not unhealthy at all. I recommend!

  8. Alice @ Hip Foodie Mom

    Mir! I am a die hard (well, maybe I shouldn’t say die hard) coffee drinker. . I need my one cup full in the morning or you don’t want to talk to me, well, rather, I wouldn’t want to talk to anyone. I LOVE this granita!! I definitely need the caffeine in the morning but I think it’s also the time associated with drinking coffee for me. I’m alone, the house is quiet and I’m getting work done. It’s peaceful ๐Ÿ™‚ Lately, we’ve been running around everywhere and things are crazy so I have been getting the cold brew coffee at Starbucks (only when we’re out) so there’s that. I love me some coffee and if I’m at home, I brush my teeth afterwards . . and 3 words: Crest Whitening Strips. love them. ๐Ÿ˜› the people who think teaching is like childcare (who thinks that?!) can shove it. I think it’s amazing what teachers do . . at any grade and any subject. Bottom line, you are teaching. Shaping minds . . even the pre-school teachers who are coloring with our children and reading to them .. Happy Thursday, Mir!
    Alice @ Hip Foodie Mom recently posted…Texas CaviarMy Profile

    1. Mir

      You know, I’ve had those whitening strips in my bathroom drawer for six months. I’m so lazy. I’d rather just not drink coffee than have to do another beauty ritual. But I hear you about it being peaceful. I used to be a big tea drinker, and it’s how I would decompress during lunchtime at work.
      Sadly, the people who think teachers are babysitters exist. But hey, the world is full of people who think stuff like that. It’s okay. There are also tons of appreciative people, so that’s wonderful. I am in awe of preschool teachers. How do they do that?!

  9. Cheyanne @ No Spoon Necessary

    I totally salute YOU for being a teacher! Thanks for helping educate the young population! I’d also like to hug you for making this coffee granita! Iced coffee is my jam – don’t judge my not perfectly white teeth! ๐Ÿ˜‰ and I LOVE granitas, so this combo is STELLAR! Totally NEED this in my life, pronto! Pinned! Cheers girlfriend! P s. Your camp mommy sounds fun- you can tote me around anytime! I’ll even let you take couch breaks! ๐Ÿ™‚
    Cheyanne @ No Spoon Necessary recently posted…Tequila Kiwi SmashMy Profile

    1. Mir

      Thanks, Cheyanne! I love teaching. It’s just fun and I laugh every day. You can totally hug me for the granita, too. I like hugs. ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. Harriet Emily

    I was so excited when I saw your tweet about this earlier, Mir! I looove granita, and this coffee version sounds so delicious! I definitely need to try it!

    1. Mir

      Thanks so much, Harriet Emily! I saw you on Twitter. ๐Ÿ™‚ You should try it. So easy!

  11. Danielle

    I’m not much of a coffee drink either, but I could definitely go for some of this granita! I’ve never made my own before, is that sad? This looks great, Mir!
    Danielle recently posted…Healthy Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Oatmeal BarsMy Profile

    1. Mir

      It’s not sad at all, Danielle! There’s a first time for everything.

  12. annie@ciaochowbambina

    So I am a coffee addict. There. I said it. I would have loved you for a teacher. Your students are very fortunate. If they don’t know it now, they will one day! I want this granita. I’ve been thinking about making it for a while now – and you’ve given me the nudge I needed. Thanks, dear! Happy first-days-of-school!

    1. Mir

      It’s cool. Coffee addiction sounds much healthier than my chocolate addiction. Thanks for the well wishes, Annie!

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