Halloween Marzipan Truffles

Halloween Marzipan Truffles

Pay attention. We’re about to go with the classy Halloween treats.

You know, the ones that don’t have eyeballs or gummi worms all over them. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. I saw a spiderweb chocolate tart a week or two ago that was so gorgeous it made my mouth drop open.

These truffles are easy and a perfect Halloween party treat. They’re simply marzipan dipped in chocolate with some orange flair! Orange is the new black and all. At least, this time of year.

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Butterscotch Peanut Butter Cookie Dough Truffles

Butterscotch Peanut Butter Cookie Dough Truffles

Oh, how I love a truffle. And cookie dough. And together…wham! Wait, is that Emeril’s line? Or is that “bam!” I always get confused.

Wham, bam, thank you…egg-free peanut butter cookie dough. Filled with peanut butter and butterscotch chips. Covered in chocolate with peanut butter drizzle. Because boy, do you make life that much better.

To be honest, I need a little more chocolate therapy than usual this week. My body is sore thanks to a tubing incident, and I need to dull the pain, doctor.

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Almond-Dusted Milk Chocolate Truffles

Almond-Dusted Milk Chocolate Truffles

Hollywood snow is the best. You know, those big thick flakes that never seem to melt anywhere or turn a disgusting brown and then black as car exhaust fumes get them dirty? Yeah. Real snow ain’t like that.

Last week, I once again had a snow day, even though there was very little snow in evidence. That’s the great thing about moving to the DC area from the Midwest. When I lived in the Midwest, snow days were rare and precious, not to mentioned hard-earned. Here, they happen at the drop of a hat. But hey, this teacher is not complaining!

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Brownie Truffles

Brownie Truffles

Every problem is an opportunity.

My mom used to say that to me when I was growing up and I’d be all miserable because the girls in my class were mean evil witches. My goodness, when it comes to psychological torture, girls have it down pat. I’m still bowled over by the behavior my classmates exhibited toward me when I was a kid, and I kind of wonder how they live with themselves today. Are they telling their own kids to go out there and make fun of the kid in class who doesn’t have the perfect designer outfit?

Anyway, I could write about this forever, so I’ll pause here and talk about the proverbial lemonade from lemons thing. Or in this case, brownie truffles from an epic fail.

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Odds N’ Ends (Epic Fail Edition!)

Odds N’ Ends (Epic Fail Edition!)

Deep breath. I have a confession to make.

I’m a failure.

It’s true! I fail constantly. Daily, if you must know. And I have a darn good time doing it. Because how else is the really great stuff supposed to happen unless I get stomped on and rejected and keep my humility?

So I’ve dedicated this post to my baking fails. Believe me, there are many. And my pride is so low that I don’t mind sharing them with you. Here we go, folks. Hang on and enjoy the ride!

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Nutella Cookie Dough Truffles

Nutella Cookie Dough Truffles

Okay, I admit it. You dragged it out of me. It’s time to come clean.

The truth is, I’ve been known to hoard…truffles.

Oh, I’m so ashamed. You see, I love throwing things away. I know it sounds wasteful, but it makes me feel like I’m finally getting organized and cleaning up the constant mess that my kids throw around the house each second they’re home. I don’t save anything except the rare, unquestionably special school project.

And truffles.

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