Pecan Squares

Pecan Squares

Fill in the blank for me: “As American as _____________.”

Did you say “apple pie?” If you did, I salute you. That’s the expression. But I’m not here for apple pie today. I’m here to talk about an oft-neglected staple of American dessert cuisine: the pecan.

We never really think about something until it’s gone, which I learned with the pecan from my sister-in-law’s mother. She hails from Ecuador, and apparently, the pecan action there is rather lacking. She once told me that when she comes to the U.S., she gets her fill of pecans and chocolate chips. They’re not available everywhere. Remember that next time you turn down that slice of pecan pie!

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Better Than Tagalong Bars

Better Than Tagalong Bars

Last week, I wrote about food blogging and its attendant challenges. Well, one of the biggest ones came up just a few days ago.

I was reading one of my favorite blogs for peanut butter desserts, Averie Cooks. I’m sure you’re familiar with Averie, but if not, she’s a peanut butter goddess. I own her cookbook, Peanut Butter Comfort, and I like to sit around and drool at her pictures.

Anyway, last Friday she posted these Tagalong bars. And as soon as I saw them, I slapped myself on the head and cursed. Because you see, I had a very similar bar cooling on my kitchen counter.

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Nectarine Crumb Pie

Nectarine Crumb Pie

It's Fun Friday! Be sure to check out my link-up post to add your recipes! With the end of the week here, you'd think I would be thrilled. And I am. It's just that I have fifty thousand research papers…

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