Maple-Glazed Bronuts

Maple-Glazed Bronuts

I warned you this was coming. The mashup of all mashups. The moment in my baking career all will look back upon and point to as that one, special instant when everything came together.

Or maybe it’s just a nice post for a nice day.

Boys, this one’s for you. You like beer. You like donuts. And your feminine counterparts are pretty wild for brownies and anything with maple syrup. Actually, we like beer and donuts, too. Why gender stereotype?

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Baked PB Banana Bread Donuts

Baked PB Banana Bread Donuts

There is something about a donut. Or two.

Every day, donuts used to be my after-school snack. That was back when my metabolism was working in my favor. Now I can still have donuts, but maybe not every day.

That’s why I love my donut pan! Because you can bake healthier donuts, and they taste phenomenal. And you can get really creative with your flavors. Plus, you don’t get that weird feeling in your tummy that sits there after fried food has invaded the premises.

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Maple-Glazed Applesauce Bread

Maple-Glazed Applesauce Bread

I’m really trying here, folks. You know, to come to terms with the end of summer. It ain’t so easy.

As a warm-weather enthusiast, I greet cooler temperatures with about as much joy as a toddler greets a shot-wielding nurse. Over the past two weeks, my fellow awesome food bloggers have pulled out the pumpkin, heralding an early start to autumn. It’s still August, people! Rage against the dying of the light!

I’m going to hold out against pumpkin for a bit longer. I mean, I love pumpkin. But I want to use it when I really need it, i.e., when the long sleeves start coming out of my closet.

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