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Oreo Cookie Dough Fudge Bars

Oreo Cookie Dough Fudge Bars

Sugar high forthcoming. Be warned!

With Memorial Day coming, everyone’s making barbecue and picnic plans. Well, everyone except me. I tend to forget all about it until the last second or just shrug it off, figuring that if worse comes to worst, I’ll just throw some meat on a fire and be done with it.

But for you lovely people who plan ahead, think about this delightful no-bake dessert for your get-together time. These bars are made of egg-free Oreo cookie dough and topped with thick white chocolate fudge.

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Butterscotch Peanut Butter Cookie Dough Truffles

Butterscotch Peanut Butter Cookie Dough Truffles

Oh, how I love a truffle. And cookie dough. And together…wham! Wait, is that Emeril’s line? Or is that “bam!” I always get confused.

Wham, bam, thank you…egg-free peanut butter cookie dough. Filled with peanut butter and butterscotch chips. Covered in chocolate with peanut butter drizzle. Because boy, do you make life that much better.

To be honest, I need a little more chocolate therapy than usual this week. My body is sore thanks to a tubing incident, and I need to dull the pain, doctor.

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Baby Ruth Brookies

Baby Ruth Brookies

Some kids get neglected. That’s a tragedy I don’t want to talk about. But something I can handle discussing? Candy bars that get neglected.

When I was a kid, my dad would pick us up after school and on simpler days, we’d go straight home. But sometimes there were errands to run, so we had to go out and about. While I hated errands, it usually meant I got to pick out an after school candy bar. For years, that candy bar was Baby Ruth. Those chocolate-covered peanut and caramel bars have a great deal of nostalgia for me.

Which kind of got me to thinking. I rarely bake with Baby Ruth bars, and that’s a crying shame. So today, I’ve remedied that neglect. They’re getting their very own brookie!

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Oatmeal Raspberry Brownies

Oatmeal Raspberry Brownies

I can’t remember the last time I had a plain brownie. You know, I might have to go back to basics and make the perfect, thick, fudgy brownie.

But later. Because now, I’m doing yet another tricked-out version.

See, while the basics are fun, tricking anything out is exciting. Like my bathtub. A few years back, I decided that the only room left in the house where I could potentially get any privacy was the bathroom. It has a lock and all. Very fancy.

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Thin Mint Cookie Dough Sandwiches

Thin Mint Cookie Dough Sandwiches

Some people have pathological hoarding issues. They keep everything obsessively, figuring that one day in the far-distant future, whatever it is will “come in handy.” Let me tell you something. It won’t.

Earlier today, my son threw away a broken paper fan. As he was getting rid of it, he eyed the plastic casing for the fan and said, “Maybe I should keep this. It might be useful.” I, the anti-hoarder, made it pretty clear that a broken fan plastic casing would never, in any way, be remotely useful.

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Sweet N’ Salty Cookies

Sweet n’ Salty Cookies

The best thing that has ever happened to civilization: the bed. Every night, once my kids are bathed and in their own beds, I feel a calm sense of satisfaction overtake me that another day has passed and that I can finally be reunited with my true love. Yes, my feelings for my bed are that strong.

And I feel almost the same, but not quite, about salty sweet treats. When salted caramel burst onto the food scene a few years back, I couldn’t get enough. I still can’t, but my brain has adjusted a little more. Back in those days, it was hard to find salted caramel anything. Now you can’t turn around without it smacking you in the face with its coy deliciousness.

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Fudge-Covered PB Cup Cookie Dough Squares

Fudge-Covered PB Cup Cookie Dough Squares

Yeah, yeah. There’s been a lot of peanut butter in these here parts recently.

It’s hard to resist always baking your favorite thing. Like when my brother bakes, he chooses lemon-based desserts because that’s his favorite. And when my husband bakes…nope, just kidding. That never happens.

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Chocolate-Dipped PB Cookie Dough Ritzies

Chocolate-Dipped PB Cookie Dough Ritzies

I had no idea what to call these. But they’re awesome.

Let me backtrack. After a week of the flu and another week recovering from the flu, I’m still waiting for my appetite and taste buds to return to normal. The flu is evil in so many ways, but I never expected it to alter my eating this dramatically.

Pretty much, I’ve wanted two things since the fever broke: sushi and truffles. When the fever was raging, all I wanted was Coke Slurpees. So basically, any healthy eating habits have gone right out the window.

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Black And White Cookie Dough Fudge Bars

Black and White Cookie Dough Fudge Bars

I’m about to go on a little rant here. Y’all ready?

I have very strong feelings about food safety. A few years ago, Nestle released a batch of tainted cookie dough and a few people ate it raw. One woman died. And Nestle closed their plant to clean it and disinfect it, but the bottom line is, somebody made a huge mistake.

The same thing has happened with bags of salad mix. I mean, really. Tainted spinach? And peanut butter. How did salmonella get into peanut butter? And of course, eggs and raw meats are always an issue.

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Peanut Butter Fudge Cookie Cups

Peanut Butter Fudge Cookie Cups

I have to take a break from all the fall stuff, everyone. I mean, pumpkin and apple and spice are all super nice, but my peanut butter and chocolate fiend self has been begging for satisfaction.

You know that I can only go so long without my fix. So this weekend, I thunked a jar of peanut butter and a package of milk chocolate chips on the counter. Then I stared at them for a while, just contemplating. After a few minutes, I knew what I had to do.

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