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Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Chips Apple Slab Pie

Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Chips Apple Slab Pie

As it turns out, you can make pretty much anything with cookie chips. Who knew? I mean, I knew they were addictive, but versatility is also a huge plus.

Apple pie has always been a little bit of a seasonal question mark for me. It comes out at Thanksgiving, so that would suggest that it’s an autumnal food. But then it also comes out for summer potlucks, and that makes it…summer food? Instead of remaining confused, I’ve decided that apple pie is American, delicious, and year-round.

Slab pie is even better. That’s when you bake pie into a square or rectangular pan instead of a pie plate. Nothing is more satisfying than a lovely rectangular slab of apple pie. That is, of course, unless you up the ante. This apple slab pie is covered in Hannah Max oatmeal raisin cookie chips crumble, and it’s impossible to stop eating.

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Salted PB Caramel Ganache Pie

Salted PB Caramel Ganache Pie

I have no idea what to call this pie. Other than life-changing, that is.

The idea of making a pie crust used to terrify me. I knew that it involved a food processor, which I owned, but couldn’t put together. Seriously. The directions were so confusing. But then, I found a way around it for an easy crust you can make in a bowl. More details on that later.

By the way, I know how to use my food processor now. But whatever. What makes this pie so amazing is peanut butter caramel. Salted peanut butter caramel. Yes, that exists. And it’s easy to make!

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Almost Summer Pie

Almost Summer Pie

Hiya! I’m actually going to be digital-free until Monday night, so I’ll be back to see you all later. But I had to share this recipe anyway. Yay for setting posts to automatically publish!

This looks like a cheesecake. But it’s not. It’s something very, very special.

Hey, it’s almost summer! This time of year, baking blogs undergo a shift as fruit actually becomes available. Like, good fruit. Not the stuff that looks really pretty and tastes like nothing.

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Lemon Pie Crumb Bars

Lemon Pie Crumb Bars

If you’ve ever heard the expression “easy as pie,” you know that it was coined by someone who eats pie, not someone who makes it. Pie is not crazy difficult to make, but if I had to make up an expression about something being easy, I would not pick pie. Maybe “easy as microwave popcorn?” Nah. That’s hard. I burn it a lot.

Besides, if you’re going for ease, you should probably pick a finger food. Pie is easy to eat if you have plates and forks, but I cannot tell you how often someone brings a pie into the office and there are no implements with which to consume said pie. When given the choice, I turn my pie into bars. And when given further choice, I make lemon pie bars. With endless crumbs on top!

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Frozen Margarita Custard Pie

Frozen Margarita Custard Pie

Happy almost Cinco de Mayo, friends! I’ve got one more offering for you. Starting Wednesday, I’ll be all about Mother’s Day. Gotta love the warm holiday season!

Seriously, can we get more holidays like this into the books? I love Cinco de Mayo. It’s just great food and great weather and friends. Mother’s Day is also pretty cool. But first things first. Who can resist a margarita?

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Tagalong Pie

Tagalong Pie

Happy Pi Day!

No, I’m not confused. I realize that I’m four days late. It happens, okay?

Here’s the thing. It’s always so much more fun to celebrate a holiday once it’s over. Example: your birthday comes and goes, but there’s that one friend who forgot or was out of town, so they take you out a week later and celebrate. It’s so nice to keep the party going!

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Strawberry Ganache Tart

Strawberry Ganache Tart

I’m kind of annoyed with dessert menus at restaurants.

First of all, they often just change seasonally, if at all. And when they do change, there are a couple of standbys that never shift. At any given time of year, you can be pretty sure that there will be crème brulee and molten chocolate cake on the menu, along with a fruit-based dessert (tart or crisp, usually) and an assortment of ice creams and sorbets.

Don’t get me wrong. I love all those things. But why can’t pastry chefs be allowed to really get creative? To have more fun? And, dare I suggest it, change the menu at least (gasp!) monthly? Would that be so terrible?

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Meyer Lemon Pie Bars

Meyer Lemon Pie Bars

This time of year, I need a little pick-me-up on a fairly regular basis. Whether it’s eating a truffle while I stare out at a snowy landscape, reading under a fuzzy blanket, or cuddling with any child of mine who is willing to let me squeeze them for a few minutes, it’s super important to relish the hibernating aspect of winter.

Every now and then, I also like to bake a summery dessert to raise the brightness in the kitchen. Nothing is more summery to me than citrus, especially anything yellow. So these Meyer lemon pie bars are perfect for cheering up the landscape!

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Pies In Review

Pies in Review

Tomorrow, Fudge Week begins! I’m teaming up with Gayle from Pumpkin n’ Spice to give you some fantastic fudge recipes. We’re so excited to share with you!

Before that starts, though, I wanted to make sure your holiday pie plans are all set. The week of Thanksgiving I shared four pie recipes with you, but there are so many more that I love. Here’s a review of my favorites!

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German Chocolate Pie

German Chocolate Pie

I thought I was done with pie. I really did, I promise! But that was before Friendsgiving happened.

Since this is the time of year that people usually count their blessings and express thanks, I have to think about the amazing teachers I work with. I don’t write about my job much here, but as many of you know, I’m a full-time, National Board certified high school English teacher. It’s a very intense job and my days are anything but relaxing, especially since my downtime is nonexistent with three small kids at home. But man, do I love it.

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