German Chocolate Pie

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German Chocolate Pie

I thought I was done with pie. I really did, I promise! But that was before Friendsgiving happened.

Since this is the time of year that people usually count their blessings and express thanks, I have to think about the amazing teachers I work with. I don’t write about my job much here, but as many of you know, I’m a full-time, National Board certified high school English teacher. It’s a very intense job and my days are anything but relaxing, especially since my downtime is nonexistent with three small kids at home. But man, do I love it.

German Chocolate Pie

I’m lucky to work with some amazing people. For years, I’ve developed friendships in the trenches of teaching and as I get older, my department feels like a second family. A lot of my baking goes to these wonderful teachers, so many of whom are underappreciated. And boy, when we get together, we know how to party.

This German chocolate pie is a product of Friendsgiving, hosted by one of my best work buddies. She’s amazing, and her favorite treat is anything in that flavor. So, of course I had to go all mashup with this pie.

German Chocolate Pie

I’m just gonna say this: a woman I don’t even know was at the dinner and when she tried the pie, she walked across the room and hugged me. It was definitely a high point. I used a graham cracker crust and a dense, fudgy brownie base. The frosting is a simple stovetop concoction that I got from a fabulous blog, Two in the Kitchen. Check it out!

German Chocolate Pie

I might be done with pie for a little while, but I’m sure not done with my buddies at work. They make even the roughest days one laugh after another, and baking them treats is just one way to show my gratitude. And for all you non-teachers out there, just remember how hard we work for you and your kids. We focus too much on the negative sometimes, and there are so many amazing teachers in our schools. Appreciate them this holiday season!


German Chocolate Pie


1/3 cup butter, melted
1/3 cup firmly packed brown sugar
1 cup graham cracker crumbs
1/2 cup butter, melted
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup flour
14 oz. can sweetened condensed milk (I used fat-free)
1/2 cup unsalted butter
3 egg yolks, lightly beaten
1 teaspoon vanilla
3/4 cup flaked sweetened coconut
3/4 cup chopped pecans


  1. Preheat the oven to 350. Coat a 9 or 10-inch pie pan with cooking spray. Set aside.
  2. In a bowl, combine the graham cracker crumbs with the brown sugar and melted butter until the crumbs are moistened. Press the mixture into the prepared pie pan, working it up the sides. Bake for 15 minutes.
  3. While the crust is baking, make the filling. Mix the melted butter and cocoa until the ingredients are smoothly incorporated. Stir in the sugar, and then add the eggs and vanilla, beating thoroughly. Add the salt and flour and mix until just combined.
  4. Pour the batter into the graham cracker crust and bake for 25-30 minutes. Cool completely.
  5. When the pie is cool, make the frosting. On the stovetop, melt the butter with the condensed milk and egg yolks, stirring constantly until the mixture thickens and begins to bubble. Remove the mixture from the heat and stir in the vanilla, coconut and pecans.
  6. Pour the frosting over the pie, spreading it out evenly. As the frosting cools, it will thicken and harden. Allow it to go through that process. Don't cut into it early!
  7. When the frosting is cooled and thickened, cut into wedges and serve.




I fulfill many roles in life: wife, mother, teacher, everlasting learner. This site is dedicated to one role that expresses my creativity in ways that I find consistently challenging and rewarding: baker. Inventing new ways to enhance food, especially if that food involves chocolate or peanut butter (or both!), is a passion of mine. I look forward to sharing my ideas with you.

This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. Stacey @ Bake.Eat.Repeat.

    I’ve never tried a pie like that before. It looks absolutely decadent! That rich chocolate brownie base sounds incredible!
    Stacey @ Bake.Eat.Repeat. recently posted…Asian Chopped Salad with ShrimpMy Profile

    1. Mir

      Super decadent and super popular, Stacey! People really liked this one. It’s dangerous!

  2. Gayle @ Pumpkin 'N Spice

    Sounds like your co-workers loved this pie, Mir! And I can see why, it looks amazing! I love that you put german chocolate into something other than a cake. What a creative twist! Love the looks of this dessert, yum!
    Gayle @ Pumpkin ‘N Spice recently posted…Peppermint White Hot ChocolateMy Profile

    1. Mir

      German chocolate should be everywhere, Gayle! Or lots of places. It’s hard to resist!

  3. Manali @ CookWithManali

    looks so good!! I bet your co-workers loved it Mir and I can see why…this looks so fudgy and so chocolaty..I’m drooling here!
    Manali @ CookWithManali recently posted…Cranberry & Toasted Coconut GranolaMy Profile

    1. Mir

      It was nice. Onward now to holiday fun, Manali!

  4. Julianne @ Beyond Frosting

    Holy moly pie! This looks incredible!

    1. Mir

      Thanks, Julianne! Hope your BHG trip is going well!

  5. Trish - Mom On Timeout

    Seriously one of my favorite pies Mir! Yours looks amazing! I need a glass of milk just looking at it 🙂
    Trish – Mom On Timeout recently posted…Perfect Soft Ginger CookiesMy Profile

    1. Mir

      Mine too, Trish! Milk sounds perfect, too!

  6. Auntiepatch

    Ummmm……you call for vanilla in the frosting but it’s not listed in the frosting ingredients.

    1. Mir

      I have the habit of throwing vanilla into everything and then forgetting about it, Karen. It’s a teaspoon! I’ll add that in next time I edit this. Thanks!

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