Reese’s Popcorn

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Reese's Popcorn

Nothing is better than tricked-out popcorn.

I used to take regular pilgrimages to NYC before the kids came along, and back then, there was a Popcorn, Indiana store in Times Square. I’d go there and order popcorn slathered in chocolate, have them pack it up in a big bag, and eat it on the train ride home.

Like all great stores, that one closed down, but I learned my lesson: always dress up your popcorn as much as you can. This one is covered in chocolate, mixed with Reese’s minis, and finished off with dollops of melted Reese’s chips. No trip to New York necessary for all of this madness!

Reese's Popcorn

Spring is such a transitional season. It’s when we feel the itch to do new things, see new places, have new experiences. It’s when we see hope that we can rejuvenate and find ways to make our lives even more meaningful. Or is that just me?

This time of year, the world looks totally different. The dark skies are light by 5:30 in the morning, the breezes are gentle, and people begin to daydream more, looking forward to beach getaways or lazy afternoons by the pool.

Reese's Popcorn

Maybe it’s just that I work in a school, but the focus here is definitely shifting. The same things that would have bothered me in October aren’t getting to me nearly as much right now. It’s the magic of springtime!

I wish I were as easygoing at home. It’s almost like an opposing force is at play. Yesterday, I walked by the backpack that I’d asked my daughter to put away five times. It was still in the middle of the hallway in a place seemed almost designed to make someone sprawl face-first onto the floor. Gotta be honest here: I didn’t use my patient voice this time.

Reese's Popcorn

But then I made it up to her by giving her some of this popcorn, and all was right with the world again. See? #goodparenting

The best part about making blinged-out popcorn is that it takes almost no time. Typically, I like to use kettle corn because it’s both sweet and salty, which gives the end result more dimension. You can use a microwaveable kettle corn, or many groceries sell really good ones as well. Popcorn, Indiana makes the BEST kettle corn. And no, they’re not sponsoring this post. I wish.

Reese's Popcorn

Once you have the popcorn, you mix chocolate candy melts and Reese’s minis into it, which melt ever so slightly. And don’t forget that thick ribbon of melted peanut butter chips!

Spring is here and everything is in transition. The only constant is change, but this time, the change is warmer weather and green leaves on trees. I’ll take it!


Reese’s Popcorn


4 cups kettle corn, popped
1 cup chocolate candy melts
1 package Reese's minis (the unwrapped kind)
1 cup peanut butter chips


  1. Place the kettle corn in a large bowl. Set aside.
  2. Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper or a silicone baking mat. Set aside.
  3. Heat the chocolate candy melts according to package directions. Once they're melted, stir the candy melts into the popcorn. Add the Reese's minis and stir again until they're well distributed. Don't overdo it, though, or the minis will melt.
  4. Spread the popcorn onto the prepared baking sheet to dry. Set aside.
  5. In a microwave-safe bowl, heat the peanut butter chips in 30-second intervals, stirring after each interval until melted and smooth.
  6. Using a spoon, generously drizzle the melted peanut butter chips over the popcorn, being sure to get the drizzle in as many places as possible.
  7. Let the popcorn set. Break into pieces.
  8. Store in an airtight container.


I fulfill many roles in life: wife, mother, teacher, everlasting learner. This site is dedicated to one role that expresses my creativity in ways that I find consistently challenging and rewarding: baker. Inventing new ways to enhance food, especially if that food involves chocolate or peanut butter (or both!), is a passion of mine. I look forward to sharing my ideas with you.

This Post Has 24 Comments

  1. Dorothy @ Crazy for Crust

    School just needs to be over, seriously. I have to tell Jordan things so many times every day!!! I LOVE this popcorn, obvi. Pinned!
    Dorothy @ Crazy for Crust recently posted…No Churn Almond Fudge Ice CreamMy Profile

    1. Mir

      Yeah, we need to be over. The kids are so spacey!

  2. Megan - The Emotional Baker

    I think I went to that popcorn store on my trip to NYC. Before then, I really didn’t know you could jazz popcorn up (how did I miss that announcement?!?) Since then, I’ve been longing to make different popcorn varieties, but I’ve only tried one. Next up – this one! It looks phenomenal, Mir 🙂
    Megan – The Emotional Baker recently posted…Skittles Sandwich Cookies with Berry Swirl FrostingMy Profile

    1. Mir

      Jazzing it up is so amazing!

  3. Gayle @ Pumpkin 'N Spice

    I love your thinking of dressing up popcorn, and I totally agree. I’m hooked on any kind of chocolate slathered on top of popcorn. And I have a feeling I would eat this ALL! Reese’s are my absolute favorite…what a fun snack, Mir!
    Gayle @ Pumpkin ‘N Spice recently posted…Chocolate Fudge Skillet CookieMy Profile

    1. Mir

      My favorite too, Gayle!

  4. Kate @ Framed Cooks

    Oh gosh, I loved Popcorn Indiana – I used to pass it every day on my way home towards the Port Authority, and the aroma alone could pull you right in. Thanks for the great memory – and the recipe so I can create my own Popcorn Indiana. (Popcorn New Jersey??)
    Kate @ Framed Cooks recently posted…Chicken Slippery Noodle SoupMy Profile

    1. Mir

      Popcorn NJ would be such a hit! And that was the best store. I miss it!

  5. Medha @ Whisk & Shout

    This popcorn looks so deliciously salty sweet! I love how chilled out everything gets during the springtime 🙂
    Medha @ Whisk & Shout recently posted…{Vegan} Orange Olive Oil Cake with Bittersweet ChocolateMy Profile

    1. Mir

      Me too. I could use some chill time!

  6. annie@ciaochowbambina

    Oh my….my pour popcorn is about to get very jealous when it sees yours! I’ve never dressed it to this degree! This is the bomb! Can I order a tin or two, please?
    annie@ciaochowbambina recently posted…Roasted Vegetable Grilled Pizza with Garlic Herb OilMy Profile

    1. Mir

      It takes no time to make, Annie! Cheaper than buying a tin for sure!

  7. Cheyanne @ No Spoon Necessary

    So I am a pop-oholic (<– no shame) and eat popcorn for dinner at least 3 times a week… but never does my popcorn look like this! Daaang girl! Tricked out indeed! Loving this, Mir! Boy is going to go crazy for this fabulous popcorn! I hope you have a great extended weekend, girlfriend! Cheers!
    Cheyanne @ No Spoon Necessary recently posted…Balsamic & Honey Chicken Skewers {with Strawberry-Kiwi Salsa}My Profile

    1. Mir

      It’s the best dinner. No shame!

  8. Shashi @ RunninSrilankan

    All is indeed right with the world with this popcorn in it! And heck yeah, making treats to make up for impatient tones is completely acceptable as #goodparenting – right?! 🙂
    Mir, this popcorn is delicious, decadent and makes my chocoholic-heart go pitter patter!
    Shashi @ RunninSrilankan recently posted…Matcha & White Chocolate Protein CupsMy Profile

    1. Mir

      I like to make up for being impatient with food. 🙂

  9. Michele @ Alwayzbakin

    OMIGOSH Mir! You’re killing me over here. THIS looks so sinful. Whenever I get popcorn from Pop’s Corn, I always get the one with the chocolate. But THIS one has Reese’s too? Just WOW. 😀
    Michele @ Alwayzbakin recently posted…Perfect BlondiesMy Profile

    1. Mir

      Oooh, what is Pop’s Corn? Some kind of FL popcorn joint?

  10. Manali @ CookWithManali

    I saw this on Instagram and it looked so good!! Seriously the best popcorn!
    Manali @ CookWithManali recently posted…Chana SaagMy Profile

    1. Mir

      Thanks, Manali. It was vacuumed up at work!

  11. Rachelle @ Beer Girl Cooks

    Agreed. Tricked out popcorn is the best. I don’t think I’ll ever go back to the plain stuff. This combo is outrageously brilliant! I love anything with peanut butter and chocolate, so this needs to happen in my house STAT!

    1. Mir

      The plain stuff is just too boring now. I agree!

  12. Christin@SpicySouthernKitchen

    Salty-Sweet snacks are my favorite and I am obsessed with peanut butter cups. Have to try this!!

    1. Mir

      Me too, Christin!

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