Reese’s Brownies

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Reese's Brownies

Last week, Kenny and I had a mini-getaway to Hershey, PA. A lot of people were confused about our choice of location since we went without our kids, but if you know me, it’s not confusing at all.

For one thing, it’s close to home so if there’s a kid emergency, we can get back fast. The resort is super fabulous. I mean, there’s a chocolate spa. And best of all, there is chocolate everywhere.

Reese's Brownies

One thing I noticed about Hershey baked goods in Chocolate World (yes, that’s a place) is that the resident bakers incorporate Hershey treats liberally into everything: fudge, cookies, brownies, even tarts. There are peanut butter cups in everything. You can imagine my joy!

Reese's Brownies

I’ll be working on a copycat of an amazing peanut butter cup cookie this week to share with you, but in the meantime, I needed to get all that Reese’s out of my system. And what better way to do that than in a fudgy brownie?

Reese's Brownies

Lesson number one from Hershey’s Chocolate World: be generous with your chocolate inclusion into baked goods, and use the regular size, not the miniatures, in the batter. So inside and on top of these brownies are the full-sized cups, not their little siblings. I like it better that way! More peanut butter bang for my buck.

Reese's Brownies

To make sure there were peanut butter cups everywhere, I chopped the Reese’s cups into quarters and placed them on the bottom of the pan before layering on the brownie batter. Some of them shifted once the fudgy batter went in, but that’s fine. Between that layer and the full cups pressed into the top, nobody can complain they’re not being given their full Reese’s dose for the day!

Reese's Brownies

I like to learn from the experts, and the truth is, the only thing cooler than filling brownies with Reese’s is making my own candy bar (and designing my own wrapper)! I mean, that’s heaven.

Reese's Brownies

But now I’m home, away from my woodside cottage, away from my chocolate massage, away from bowls of Hershey’s Kisses everywhere. A girl’s gotta do something to withdraw. Lucky for me, I bought these magnets:

Reese's Brownies

Or, you know, I can just keep baking Hershey products into everything. I’m happy to endorse Reese’s forever without being paid. Talk about cheap advertising! I hope they’re grateful. And I hope you start putting more candy bars into your treats. Totally worth it!


Reeseโ€™s Brownies


1/2 cup butter, melted
1/2 cup cocoa
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup flour
2 packages snack-size (8 in each package) Reese's peanut butter cups


  1. Preheat the oven to 350. Line an 8 X 8 pan with foil and spray it with cooking spray. Set aside.
  2. In a medium-sized bowl, mix the cocoa into the melted butter until it dissolves. Add the sugar and stir again. When the sugar is incorporated, mix in the vanilla and eggs. Add the salt and flour, mixing until just combined.
  3. Take half of the peanut butter cups and cut into quarters. Line the bottom of the pan with the quartered peanut butter cups.
  4. Spread the batter on top of the Reese's cups. Don't worry if some of them shift. That's fine!
  5. Press the remaining eight peanut butter cups on top of the batter evenly.
  6. Bake for 25-30 minutes, Do not overbake, or the brownies will not be as fudgy.
  7. Cool and cut into squares. Store in an airtight container.


I fulfill many roles in life: wife, mother, teacher, everlasting learner. This site is dedicated to one role that expresses my creativity in ways that I find consistently challenging and rewarding: baker. Inventing new ways to enhance food, especially if that food involves chocolate or peanut butter (or both!), is a passion of mine. I look forward to sharing my ideas with you.

This Post Has 38 Comments

  1. Erin @ Miss Scrambled Egg

    Mir – We’re on the same wave length because last week I was totally craving brownies. Being a lover of Reese’s PB Cups, I added a bunch of mini Reese’s Cups to the brownies. I brought them into work the next day because I would’ve sat at my kitchen table and devoured the entire tray. ๐Ÿ™‚ These look lovely and I’m glad that you were able to find some time with your hubby.
    Erin @ Miss Scrambled Egg recently posted…Scandalous Lime PopcornMy Profile

    1. Mir

      I’m always craving brownies, Erin. So maybe we’re on the same wavelength always! I learned from studying the baked goods at Hershey that they don’t use the minis as much. Then you have giant chunks in your baked goods. So great!

  2. Dannii @ Hungry Healthy Happy

    Reece’s chocolate is becoming really popular over here. I went to the factory in the states a couple of years ago and I ate so much that I felt really sick after haha.
    Dannii @ Hungry Healthy Happy recently posted…Comment on Baked Thai Chicken with Crunchy Thai Salad by DanniiMy Profile

    1. Mir

      I can totally empathize, Dannii! It’s hard to stop eating PB cups. They are a special brand of addictive for sure. I’m glad they’re getting popular in the UK!

  3. Gayle @ Pumpkin 'N Spice

    Sounds like you had a great weekend getaway, Mir! And these Reese’s brownies are totally calling my name. I love anything with peanut butter, so I can only imagine how delicious these must be!
    Gayle @ Pumpkin ‘N Spice recently posted…Berry Vanilla Fruit SaladMy Profile

    1. Mir

      It was a nice trip, Gayle! We don’t get away without kids often, so we had fun. And yep. These were hard to stop eating!

  4. Alice @ Hip Foodie Mom

    A chocolate spa and chocolate massage?!!! oh my gawd. . sounds fabulous! I had to look it up because I was wondering if they rub you down with chocolate ๐Ÿ™‚ just looked it up! chocolate scented massage oil sounds awesome!!! love the magnets and brownies too!! Reeses peanut butter cups are my absolute FAVE candy. Ever!!! sounds like you had a great getaway weekend, Mir!
    Alice @ Hip Foodie Mom recently posted…Shaved Asparagus and Pesto PizzaMy Profile

    1. Mir

      I smelled like chocolate for the rest of the day, Alice! And they literally have hot chocolate and bowls of kisses everywhere. It’s an experience to try! And the magnets…they’re just making me so happy. If you’re in PA, visit Chocolate World!

  5. Sam @ SugarSpunRun

    Oh I love Chocolate World, my husband and I live about an hour from there. I love peanut butter cups, too, and these brownies look delicious!
    Sam @ SugarSpunRun recently posted…Banana Cake with Brown Sugar Cream Cheese FrostingMy Profile

    1. Mir

      Oh, you’re so lucky that you get to experience that regularly, Sam! Those giant PB cups they had were VERY tempting. You need to try their large PB cup cookies, if you haven’t already!

  6. Rachelle @ Beer Girl Cooks

    I don’t know where to begin. Chocolate World? Chocolate Spa? Oh my. And these brownies are totally over the top with all that peanut butter cup action! You are my kind of girl!

    1. Mir

      Thanks so much, Rachelle! It was totally a me kind of trip. My husband just played along. Chocolate World is worth a trip! And the spa…it was a good day.

  7. Aimee @ ShugarySweets

    Oh my gosh girl, these sound fabulous!!! I just want to sink my teeth into them right now ๐Ÿ™‚
    Aimee @ ShugarySweets recently posted…Pistachio Fluff SaladMy Profile

    1. Mir

      Thanks, Aimee! I was way too enthusiastic with my Reese’s. Turns out that’s a good thing!

  8. Jen

    Wow! A chocolate spa? That sounds incredible! And these brownies need to be in front of me right now. I want one for breakfast!
    Jen recently posted…Pineapple CupcakesMy Profile

    1. Mir

      They would make a perfect breakfast, Jen. I had them more for dinner. But either way is good. Try the chocolate spa!

  9. Medha @ Whisk & Shout

    I literally whispered “oh my god” and my mom got concerned. That’s what these pictures did to me. Maybe I”m just braindead after AP Bio, but like, these are ridiculous in the best way. Pinning!
    Medha @ Whisk & Shout recently posted…{Vegan!} Banana Bundt Cake + Caramel SauceMy Profile

    1. Mir

      Ha! Thanks, Medha! All of my students were absent for AP bio today. I’m glad you’re putting your downtime to good use. Thanks for pinning!

  10. Manali @ CookWithManali

    oh wow I need to visit this place! Chocolate spa sounds just so wonderful! These brownies are totally calling my name, so much PB goodness!
    Manali @ CookWithManali recently posted…Salted Caramel SauceMy Profile

    1. Mir

      Yep, it’s a fun place, Manali! I recommend highly.

  11. mira

    Sounds like you had a great weekend Mir! And it can’t get any better with these brownies! Love them!
    mira recently posted…Fresh Strawberry Buttermilk Donuts (Whole Wheat)My Profile

    1. Mir

      It was fun, now it’s over. ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks, Mira!

  12. Dorothy @ Crazy for Crust

    It’s literally like my mecca, Hershey World. I must go there again sometime and eat one of ALL THE THINGS. ๐Ÿ™‚
    Dorothy @ Crazy for Crust recently posted…Funfetti Cake Batter Wedding CookiesMy Profile

    1. Mir

      Next time you go, let me know, Dorothy! I’ll meet you up there. We can eat all the things!

  13. Sues

    How did I not know there was a chocolate spa at Hershey?? And also, can I take a bath in these brownies???
    Sues recently posted…Vanilla Cupcakes with Chocolate Red Wine ButtercreamMy Profile

    1. Mir

      I would not blame you at all! I want to bathe in chocolate every day. And yep, there’s a great spa. I recommend!

  14. Danielle

    A chocolate spa sounds kind of incredible. Just like these Reese’s brownies! You just can’t go wrong with peanut butter and chocolate, it’s the best combination!
    Danielle recently posted…Blackberry LemonadeMy Profile

    1. Mir

      Thanks, Danielle! It’s hard to go wrong with chocolate and PB!

  15. Stacey @ Bake.Eat.Repeat.

    Oh my goodness, that looks like the best brownie ever! Chocolate and peanut butter were meant to be together, and using the full cups was definitely the right call. More PB is always better! Also, I want to see that chocolate spa – that sounds like my idea of a great vacation!
    Stacey @ Bake.Eat.Repeat. recently posted…Chicken Chow MeinMy Profile

    1. Mir

      There’s so much chocolate everywhere at Hershey, Stacey! I was pretty happy. And thanks! I love my new Reese’s magnets because chocolate and PB are meant to be!

  16. Jasline (Foodie Baker)

    Oh this looks simply amazing! Reese cups in chocolate brownies, what’s not to love about this yummy treat?
    Jasline (Foodie Baker) recently posted…Peach Layered Cake with Peach-Vanilla Buttercream FrostingMy Profile

    1. Mir

      My thoughts exactly, Jasline! Lots of PB cups. The more, the better!

  17. Katelyn @munchie pie

    Oh my… These brownies look fabulous! There is no such thing as too many Reece’s in my opinion! Those magnets are so cute too. Love them!
    Katelyn @munchie pie recently posted…Sweet Potato Crusted QuicheMy Profile

    1. Mir

      Never too many, Katelyn! I’m so glad you agree! And the magnets just make me happy. It’s a nice memento from the trip.

  18. Cyndi - My Kitchen Craze

    How fun!! My parents went there one time and came back with gobs and gobs of candy. They also made their own candy bar. They are saving it for some odd reason. I should steal it, hehe. This brownies look like heaven. So making these this weekend. Pinned!
    Cyndi – My Kitchen Craze recently posted…Sparkling Fruity Sangria and a GiveawayMy Profile

    1. Mir

      Making your own candy bar is great, but you can’t save it for too long. Chocolate does NOT last forever. Thanks for pinning, Cyndi!

  19. Jocelyn @BruCrew Life

    I am loving all those peanut butter cup chunks all through out these brownies. Love that you chopped some up and used full sized ones…more bang for the buck. Love it!!!
    Jocelyn @BruCrew Life recently posted…Caramel Peanut Butter Snickers CookiesMy Profile

    1. Mir

      Thanks, Jocelyn! I realized that the full-size ones just yield a MUCH better result. So I’m done with minis in my brownies. We’re going whole hog!

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