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Chocolate Chip Soda Bread

Chocolate Chip Soda Bread

Soda bread has always been a problem.

You see, most soda breads are made with raisins (good) and caraway seeds (bad). I do not like caraway seeds. Something about their flavor, not to mention their hard little texture, really throws me off. I’ve never been a fan, and I’ve tried them plenty.

Seedless rye breads are delicious, though. As are seedless soda breads. Especially when you remove all the usual fillings and put chocolate chips there instead. Sacrilege, you say? Too bad. I’m going to enjoy St. Patrick’s my way!

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Easy Pistachio Cake

Easy Pistachio Cake

I know tomorrow is Pi Day, thus pies are being posted right and left. But kids, I couldn’t wait to share this one. I’ll share a pie next week sometime. We cool?

Do you remember the red pistachios? Do they still exist?

I loved those things. They got red dye all over my hands, but I always thought they tasted better than the regular kind. My grandparents always kept them around for me. And then one day, they disappeared. I haven’t seen a red pistachio since.

Things have a habit of disappearing, unfortunately. There’s a great poem by Elizabeth Bishop called “One Art” where she talks about what she calls “the art of losing.” It’s a great poem, and my English teacher self highly recommends it to you. But I sometimes get creeped out by how much I’ve lost without even realizing it until after the fact.

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Cookies And Cream Mousse Flowerpots

Cookies and Cream Mousse Flowerpots

Every now and then, I like to ask myself deep questions or share them with friends. I’ve done this before, but here I go again:

-How does available space get filled so fast?

-Why doesn’t healthy food taste like brownies?

-If a tree falls in the forest and we think there’s nobody to hear, did it maybe crush the one person who was out for an early morning stroll?

-How do you keep small children occupied on endless snow days when you’re all trapped together in the house?

I have very few answers, but the last one has to be projects, projects, projects. Keep those little hands busy!

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Samoa Fudge

Samoa Fudge

Yes, I realize I’ve been posting a lot of Girl Scout cookie recipes. No, I am not done. Deal with it.

Boy, did that come out rude, especially to my (very valued) readers who are not American and have no idea what this stupid Girl Scout cookie craze is about, anyway. I do apologize. And I can always suggest substitutes if you can’t get the cookies. But you have to understand something.

Girl Scout cookies are America, people. And I’m an American food blogger. If I were a French food blogger, I’d be doing a lot more with delicate pastry dough and awesome macarons.

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Whole Wheat Cinnamon Raisin Bread

Whole Wheat Cinnamon Raisin Bread

Every now and then, I treat myself to a cinnamon raisin bagel spread thickly with cream cheese. I don’t make this myself. Oh, no. I go to the local bagel place so they can do it right. If I were to make the sandwich, the cream cheese would not be as generously doled out. I’d be too stingy.

If I want a less indulgent version of that sandwich, I bake cinnamon raisin bread with whole wheat flour (mostly) and spread it with light cream cheese. It does the trick! Because really, what is better than freshly baked bread?

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Better Than Tagalong Bars

Better Than Tagalong Bars

Last week, I wrote about food blogging and its attendant challenges. Well, one of the biggest ones came up just a few days ago.

I was reading one of my favorite blogs for peanut butter desserts, Averie Cooks. I’m sure you’re familiar with Averie, but if not, she’s a peanut butter goddess. I own her cookbook, Peanut Butter Comfort, and I like to sit around and drool at her pictures.

Anyway, last Friday she posted these Tagalong bars. And as soon as I saw them, I slapped myself on the head and cursed. Because you see, I had a very similar bar cooling on my kitchen counter.

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Shamrock Krispy Treats

Shamrock Krispy Treats

This may come as a shock to you who know anything about me: I’m not Irish.

But you see, kids, I love holidays. Before holidays, there was darkness and cold. Holidays bring sprinkles and light. So you can bet that Irish or not, I’m getting into my St. Patrick’s baking groove.

But before I do that, I want to take a minute to remember Mr. Spock. As you know, Leonard Nimoy passed away a few days ago, and I’d be remiss if I didn’t say anything about him. Because, though you may not suspect it, I used to be kind of in love with him.

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Samoa Magic Bars

Samoa Magic Bars

When in doubt, always follow behavior patterns that have proven successful in the past.

Example: when I’m not sure what to bake, the answer is magic bars, pure and simple. Because no matter how basic a magic bar is, different flavors and combinations abound. And when there are Girl Scout cookies in the world, attention must be paid.

This is my one-year blogiversary, everyone. You’d think I’d be celebrating by popping champagne and downing one of my decadent desserts, and perhaps that will happen, too. At the moment, though, I’m feeling more contemplative than celebratory.

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Hidden Treasure Girl Scout Cookies

Hidden Treasure Girl Scout Cookies

Having choices never makes life easier. It just makes life better. Think about it: 40 years ago, women couldn't do so many important jobs because we weren't considered worthy. Gradually, thanks to women's rights and some common sense, the general…

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Tagalong Cheesecake Bars

Tagalong Cheesecake Bars

It finally happened. Here in DC, we broke a record. Apparently, it hasn’t been this cold in over 100 years.

Why don’t I feel good about breaking that record?

Maybe because if I’m going to be a witness to record-breaking, I’d rather there be something more fun involved, like cheesecake eating. Has anyone ever broken a cheesecake-eating record? I’m sure. I’d like to be told about it, but please don’t send me any videos.

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