Every now and then, I like to ask myself deep questions or share them with friends. I’ve done this before, but here I go again:
-How does available space get filled so fast?
-Why doesn’t healthy food taste like brownies?
-If a tree falls in the forest and we think there’s nobody to hear, did it maybe crush the one person who was out for an early morning stroll?
-How do you keep small children occupied on endless snow days when you’re all trapped together in the house?
I have very few answers, but the last one has to be projects, projects, projects. Keep those little hands busy!

Everyone’s different, and here’s my confession of the day: I am a better mom when I do the job part-time. In other words, I love my kids, but I also need my teaching job, and not just for the big bucks. It keeps me sane. Teenagers are fun to work with. And it also helps me appreciate my time with little sticky-handed people at home more.

On a recent series of snow days, I enlisted the help of my gang to make these flowerpots. Don’t be alarmed: these pots have never been used for anything but food! Don’t use ones you find in your garden shed. Did I need to say that?

I chose springy colors because, well, a girl can wish. After that, the fun begins! The cookies and cream mousse is simplicity itself. You melt chocolate and fold it into Cool Whip.

Once that’s done, you mix it up well and add crushed Oreos. Stirring is the fun part!
And you have to let everyone have a turn.

Once the mousse is done, you begin filling your flowerpots. You can fill them as high as you like. I dolloped out generous helpings, but then again, I had a lot of helpers. Not just my own kids, either. Some other kids showed up at some point. I’m not sure how that happens, but my house is a magnet for crumb-crunchers.

Make sure the mousse in the flowerpot is evened out on top before adding your Oreo “dirt.” It looks just like dirt, by the way. Very appetizing.

Then comes your garnish in the form of gummy worms (many of which were eaten in the process of making these, oops) and some lovely floral cocktail sticks. It’s what I had. You can use the same, or be really ambitious and make edible flowers.

The kids got a little too enthusiastic with their garnishes, by the way. But whatevs.

And when they were done, they were proud. And sugared up. And hyper. And I was a puddle on the floor.

But now, faithful readers, I’m back at work, i.e. the magical place where I can go to the bathroom by myself and even (gasp!) finish a sentence. It’s glorious.
Hey, I don’t have any answers. Life is tough and full of puzzling conundrums. But I do know that doing a project with kids is enough to take down even the best of mothers, so I’m proud to be still standing with cookies and cream mousse in hand. I mean, flowerpot.
Cookies and Cream Mousse Flowerpots
16 oz. Cool Whip
1 cup chocolate chips
8-10 Oreos, crushed
Garnish and Materials
4-6 small flowerpots
8-10 Oreos, crushed
gummy worms
flower-shaped cocktail sticks
- In a microwave-safe bowl, melt the chocolate chips for 2 minutes. Stir until smooth.
- Add the Cool Whip and fold the melted chocolate into the Cool Whip until there are no streaks remaining. Stir in the crushed Oreos. Note: you can crush the Oreos in a food processor or by hand, using a plastic baggie and a rolling pin.
- Spoon the mousse into the flower pots, evening out the top. Sprinkle the rest of the crushed Oreos on top, putting on enough to make the top resemble dirt.
- Garnish with gummy worms and flower cocktail sticks as desired.
- Store in the refrigerator.
Love your thought-provoking questions, Mir! I wish I had the answers! And your kids are just the cutest! These flower pots are so creative! I absolutely love this. And that cookies and cream mousse sounds like the perfect dessert!
Gayle @ Pumpkin ‘N Spice recently posted…Pepperoni Bruschetta
I have no answers, Gayle. Just sugar. The mousse did taste pretty fab!
Mir – When I tell people that I work with teenagers, they usually shudder or say “I give you a lot of credit”. There are times when teens can be challenging, but they really are an interesting group of people who have a lot to offer. I’m sure having children is a total 180 from working at the high school level. Your projects seem to bright the kiddos’ moods! Growing up, my mom was all about crafts, games, and baking on snow days, too.
Erin @ Miss Scrambled Egg recently posted…Mint Chip Cheesecake Bars
I’ve worked with teens for a long time now, Erin, and they are fantastic. People who shudder are pretty much stereotyping a huge group of people. Their loss!
Looks like these cuties had so much fun! Great, very creative project Mir! I hope there are no more snow days this year 🙂
mira recently posted…Blackberry Cheesecake Bars With Shortbread Crust
They did have fun, and I’m grateful that the weather is in the 50s. Please let it stay above freezing. PLEASE!
These little pots are just the cutest, Mir. And what a great way to entertain the kiddos during a snow day!
Jen @ Baked by an Introvert recently posted…Tropical Monkey Bread
Thanks, Jen! I had to do something before they totally destroyed me!
This was hilarious, Mir and your kids are just adorable!
Rachelle recently posted…Double Chocolate Stout Bundt Cake with Bailey’s Irish Creme Caramel Sauce
Thanks, Rachelle! I think they are, but I’m biased. 🙂
Okay 1) Your children!!!!!!!!!!!!! So cute 🙂 2) This is so nostalgic to me, as I used to go crazy for the pot of dirt at TGI Fridays haha
Medha @ Whisk & Shout recently posted…Double Chocolate Skillet Cookie with Mint Swirl!
I totally forgot about the pot of dirt! I’ve only been to Friday’s once, shockingly. And thanks! Their cuteness remedies the hard work they require!
These are so, SO cute. Oh, if only healthy food did taste like brownies. That would be the best!
Dannii @ Hungry Healthy Happy recently posted…Comment on Random Acts Of Kindness by N Brookman
It would be. But then maybe we wouldn’t want it as much. Who knows? I wouldn’t mind finding out!
These are sooo fun! Great original idea!
Jocelyn (Grandbaby cakes) recently posted…Skinny Chicken Marsala
Thanks, Jocelyn. I was feeling crafty!
That mousse is to die for. Jordan had dirt pots one time and hated them because the bottom was chocolate pudding (!!!) but I bet she’d totally go to town on this. Who doesn’t love OREOS??
Dorothy @ Crazy for Crust recently posted…Coconut Banana Cream Pie
Poor Jordan! I would not have liked that, either. Pudding is not a favorite. Mousse is a whole other animal, though. Thanks, Dorothy!
I used to love worms and dirt cups (or something like that) when I was little. I love the flower version and may have to try these just so I can feel like a kid again 😉
Megan – The Emotional Baker recently posted…Mint Oreos
That sounds like a plan, Megan! I love eating snacks from my childhood. It’s kind of like time traveling!
This is so creative! What a fun way to keep kids busy 🙂 and Mir your kids are adorable, so cute!!
Manali @ CookWithManali recently posted…Kale Paratha
Thanks, Manali! I remember the snow days B.C. (before chidren) when I just slept all day!
Those are absolutely adorable Mir! I love them. And my kids would love them too! And we could dream about spring while making them!
Stacey @ Bake.Eat.Repeat. recently posted…Chocolate Orange Sweet Rolls
Gotta tell ya, Stacey, the kiddos loved these. So I think you should try them! Hope it’s spring soon, for real.
this is such a cute idea. how much fun would it be to do this. i dont care what age you are- its just fun!
Kelsey @ Snacking Squirrel recently posted…Carrot Millet Pumpkin Seed Muffin
True enough, Kelsey! I had a ton of this, and I am not a child. Well, not technically…