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Chocolate Chip Streusel Banana Bread

Chocolate Chip Streusel Banana Bread

I know, I know. I’m on a JAB break. But this was already baked and the photos taken, so I’m posting it. That’s how I do.

Seriously, it’s been a weird week. When I stepped back from the blog, I found out something interesting. A few things, actually. I’ll share them momentarily.

I’ll also share this chocolate chip streusel banana bread, which is heaven. How can it not be? It’s the most perfect banana bread, all filled and topped with chocolate chips and the most delightful, crumbly streusel.

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Salted Caramel Streusel Baked Apples

Salted Caramel Streusel Baked Apples

These apples are life-changing. How’s that for a promise?

Baked apples are a classic American dessert, but I’ve upped the ante by coring them, filling them with a simple streusel, and drizzling (pouring, maybe?) salted caramel on top. And we can totally call this a healthy dessert because, you know, apple. Right? Hey, it’s fruit!

This is a fireside kind of dessert, the kind that you share with family members on game night or some equally idyllic situation. These are impossible not to love, unless you have no soul. I’m feeling very objective today.

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