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Thin Mint Frozen Grasshopper Pie

Thin Mint Frozen Grasshopper Pie

Happy Pi Day!!

That’s right, kids. Monday, March 14th is the happiest of all national holidays, the day Americans celebrate what is truly important in life: PIE!

My school is having a pie extravaganza today, and this baby here is my contribution to the effort. Somebody stop me before I eat it all up. On the other hand…nah, don’t. Let me do some damage here. We’ve got an Oreo crust, mint chocolate chip ice cream, and crushed Thin Mints. It’s the easiest pie ever, and might be the most delicious.

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Ganache-Covered Cheesecake

Ganache-Covered Cheesecake

Did you know that my spell check never knows what "ganache" is? I get the little red line underneath every single dang time. Neither, apparently, does closed captioning. I'm one of those weird people who likes to read my TV,…

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Skinny Mini Cookies And Cream Cheesecakes

Skinny Mini Cookies and Cream Cheesecakes

Well, they’re relatively skinny. They’re not Paleo, but they’ll do!

Everyone tries to get all healthy in the new year, but they don’t see Valentine’s Day coming. No siree, not by a mile. So imagine how health plans do when faced by giant heart-shaped boxes of candy!

This recipe lets you have your romantic dessert and still exercise portion control. These little cheesecakes are full of cookies and cream goodness, but they won’t do horrible things to your healthy resolves. Winning!

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Mocha Mousse Heath Bar Pie

Mocha Mousse Heath Bar Pie

Once again, I made an awesome pie that has no convenient title. Maybe pie isn’t meant to be put into a little box with words.

So instead, I’ll summarize. Ready? Oreo crust. Mocha mousse filling. Chopped Heath bar garnish.

Can we get some applause here? Maybe a reward of some kind? Actually, eating the pie is its own reward.

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Pies In Review

Pies in Review

Tomorrow, Fudge Week begins! I’m teaming up with Gayle from Pumpkin n’ Spice to give you some fantastic fudge recipes. We’re so excited to share with you!

Before that starts, though, I wanted to make sure your holiday pie plans are all set. The week of Thanksgiving I shared four pie recipes with you, but there are so many more that I love. Here’s a review of my favorites!

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