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Candy Bar Chocolate Bundt Cake

Candy Bar Chocolate Bundt Cake

I’ve got your back this week with ideas for how to use your leftover Halloween candy. I mean, duh. Eat it. But if not…bake it!

Nothing will please a crowd faster than chocolate cake, and when you add a rich chocolate glaze and cover the cake with all kinds of candy bars, you’re basically asking people to come to your house and never leave. If that sounds okay to you, proceed!

After all, nothing will fill a house full of visitors faster than baked goods. I find that when there’s a candy assortment in the mix, you just have to get used to having privacy invaded on a regular basis.

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Halloween Candy Bark

Halloween Candy Bark

I don’t need an excuse to buy candy. Nope, not me. That’s a year-round grocery cart item for little ole moi.

But if you use Halloween as an excuse, up the ante with some fabulous bark. It’s easy to make, not to mention easier to eat. And it’s full of Halloween candy!

Yep, you’ve got that right. Candy pumpkins, check. Kit Kats, check. Reese’s PB cups, check. Hershey bars, check. Whoppers, check. Oh, and let’s not forget about the lovely sprinkles. Or the milk and white chocolate swirly base. Now do I have your attention?

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Kit Kat Cookie Bars

Kit Kat Cookie Bars

Anyone been neglecting the Kit Kats lately? Except me, that is?

Well, let’s get that fixed right away. Anything that involves a wafer and chocolate should never be ignored. That goes double for these bars, which exceed the already super addictive quotient of my usual baking fare.

Seriously, I couldn’t stop eating these. I tried, too. But no matter how many I gave away or shared, I still had enough to make a dent in the batch. And that is an accomplishment worth savoring, my friends.

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Kit Kat Brownies

Kit Kat Brownies

When I was little, my grandmother used to give me Kit Kats to eat when I went over for lunch. Even so, I was pretty surprised when I heard her tell someone that they were my favorite chocolate bar. Say what? Don’t you know me? It’s Reese’s PB cups, then, now, forever.

But my grandmother hated peanut butter. Wouldn’t even keep it in her house. So you can imagine what a disappointment I was. And I kept getting those Kit Kats.

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