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Zucchini Bread With Brown Butter Glaze

Zucchini Bread with Brown Butter Glaze

This is my first zucchini recipe on the blog. Hooray! Especially since I love all things zucchini.

I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I’ve had some healthier options on the blog lately. I think it has something to do with the pressure of bikini season being upon us, but it also has to do with feeling good. See, it’s totally possible to eat delicious desserts without loading in a ton of butter.

But a little bit for brown butter glaze? Heck yeah. And the bread is full of zucchini, so it all balances out!

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Banana Toffee Snack Cake

Banana Toffee Snack Cake

I almost called this “Banoffee Cake,” but then I remembered that we’re not in England.

Across the pond, “banoffee” refers to the combination of bananas and toffee, typically in the form of a creamy pie. I must be honest: it’s not my favorite way to do pie. I’d rather hang out with key lime any day.

But then I got to thinking: what if the flavors got put into a different textural context? It turns out that I love banoffee when it’s in a cake. Or to be more specific, a cake I can’t stop eating. Which is fine, because it’s pretty healthy!

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Chocolate-Covered Strawberry Bread

Chocolate-Covered Strawberry Bread

I know y’all dig chocolate-covered strawberries. Now we’re going to a whole new level!

Lately, I’ve been trying to bake with conventional flour a little bit less. After all, I’ve got a GF spouse, so it’s the least I can do. The good news is, this bread is still amazing, gluten or no. And it’s filled with strawberries and chocolate chips (and covered in chocolate)!

Can we say thank you? Someone. Please. I’m hungry for praise and dessert.

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Brown Sugar Banana Bread

Brown Sugar Banana Bread

Here’s what happens in life. You ready?

The gas light comes on in the car. Your six-month dental checkup comes due. You realize you didn’t pay your credit card bill. Somebody gets the promotion you deserved. Your favorite pair of shoes loses a heel in the middle of the workday. And the bananas lie forgotten on the counter, turning from green to yellow to spotty to brown.

But that last one has a definite upside because all you do is bake it into banana bread. Moist, delicious, banana bread filled and glazed with brown sugar. Just for those days when things aren’t going quite your way!

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Easy Chocolate Cake

Easy Chocolate Cake

One more Passover recipe, everyone. After all, the holiday isn’t over until Saturday night! But this one is also gluten-free and just super easy.

The other day, an old friend of mine asked for a chocolate cake recipe for her daughter’s birthday, which happens to fall this week. Since she also keeps Passover and works outside the home, I wanted to make her life as easy as possible.

The key to making this cake work lies with two factors: not overbaking it (it will dry out) and putting in lots of chocolate chips!

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Ganache Linzer Tart (GF And Passover-Friendly!)

Ganache Linzer Tart (GF and Passover-Friendly!)

Well, the week marches on. Today was Primary Election day in my state, and I watched a lot of people agonize over which terrible candidate to vote for. Yay for democracy!

Ideally, the voting process should be nothing but exciting, but it’s harder this year than usual. Looking toward November is a worrisome occupation, at least for me. I want to believe that everything will turn out okay, but I’m in a negative frame of mind these days.

Whenever I feel overwhelmed, I bake. There’s a mindful mindlessness about baking that lets my brain fall away a bit as I make ganache or press tart dough into a pan. The motions are repetitive, soothing, and exactly what I need sometimes. When the result is this mind-blowing linzer tart smothered in ganache and almonds, I can banish all the negativity and just think about the rich flavors exploding in my mouth.

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Healthy Chocolate Banana Cake

Healthy Chocolate Banana Cake

Some people are still pretending to be on a health kick, so I’ll throw a few more atcha before the onslaught of Valentine’s recipes begins. JAB seeks to accommodate you!

And these are quite lovely, even though the word “healthy” appears in the title. Chocolate, banana, and no butter or oil. Plus, there’s a Greek yogurt protein kick in there. Can we all cheer?

I almost called these brownies. That’s how fudgy they are. Have I ever mentioned how difficult it can be to name some recipes? Or children?

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Key Lime Pie With Almond White Chocolate Crust (GF)

Key Lime Pie with Almond White Chocolate Crust (GF)

I’ve done it. I’ve finally done it. It took long enough!

This crust, fellow dessert lovers, is the one. While traditional key lime pie has graham cracker crust, this one is made of ground almonds and white chocolate. Do you want to guess which crust is better?

If you guessed graham cracker, you are just plain wrong. This pie crust is just beyond all my wildest expectations and dreams. It’s such a perfect base for tart, creamy key lime filling. That’s what I get for thinking creatively!

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Pumpkin Mini-Bundts With Maple Icing (Gluten-Free!)

Pumpkin Mini-Bundts with Maple Icing (Gluten-Free!)

Some desserts are clearly, obviously good. Nobody needs to advertise them. We’re talking brownies, chocolate chip cookies, cheesecake. Everyone loves cheesecake.

Then, there are the desserts that look unassuming and unexceptional, but they blow the popular choices out of the water. These mini-bundts are in that category. You know, the how-is-this-so-good-I-can’t-stop-eating-it category.

And they’re pretty healthy, too! These pumpkin cakes might be a baking miracle. They have no butter (I’m not counting the icing here) and they’re gluten-free. Let’s do a happy dance!

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Monster Cookies (Gluten-Free!)

Monster Cookies (Gluten-Free!)

Holiday cookie baking has begun! Start your engines, ladies and gents. It’s going to be a great season!

With everybody baking out the wazoo this time of year, it can be hard for our gluten-free eating friends to join in the fun. Honestly, so many of the gluten-free cookie options out there are both overpriced and dry as sawdust. It’s something about the flour replacement that doesn’t quite ring true.

But worry not! These cookies have passed the ultimate test, i.e., Kenny ate them. And liked them. If you don’t know how special that is, keep reading. But I’ll tell you one thing for sure: these cookies are packed with oats, peanut butter, and chocolate for the perfect snack time pick-me-up.

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