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Scotchmallow Caramel Blondies
This time of year is just so fabulous. I know everyone is writing about the fourth of July, but what’s the rush? Our nation’s birthday is a few weeks away. What I’d rather write about is the end of school. Sweet, sweet freedom. Can you tell I’m a teacher?
I love my job dearly. I also love getting up later, wearing shorts and t-shirts every day, and tooling around the DC area sightseeing. I love being a tourist in my own city, and that’s what summer is about. Blazing, searing heat as I walk from Dupont Circle to Georgetown, stopping along the way for sips of frosty drinks. Or simpler pleasures are also nice. Scooping out ice cream for my kids as they play in the sprinkler, blowing bubbles. Drinking margaritas on the deck.
So don’t rush my season! July 4th isn’t close yet. Seize the day! Don’t let life speed by!