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Peanut Butter Bars
Everywhere I look these days, I see ads for Botox. Is it just me, or is everyone offering to inject your face? First it was dermatologists. Then my dentist joined the game. I wouldn’t be surprised if they start offering Botox along with your latte at Starbucks.
It’s just not fashionable to age gracefully. Okay, cool. Though I sometimes wonder if the Botox makes people look younger. They just look…smoother.
But knowing me, I’ll probably be running to the needle soon enough. I’m very into trends. Fads are awesome. They’re totally logical and everyone should do what their friends are doing.
In the meantime, my secrets to the fountain of youth are simple. Sleep. Eat veggies and fish. Drink water and green tea. Use moisturizer and sunscreen, even when it’s fifty below zero outside (vampire skin is sexy). And eat peanut butter every day, preferably along with your daily hefty dose of chocolate. See? Simple!