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M & M Cookie Bark
I’m back from sunny Williamsburg, VA, where my husband and I had a mini-vacation without kids. It was magical. If you’ve never been, you need to go! I’ll be sharing some of my favorite parts of the trip over the coming days. But first I have to share something else with you, and I’m excited.
Oh, my goodness. Hold on to your hats. Because I never realized that bark, one of the best treats ever, could be made in cookie form. Guess what? Epiphany time, people!
I was in the grocery store minus my children (wow, am I ever with them?) the other day, which is known in my world as a vacation. It was so lovely. I was wandering up and down aisles, looking at packaging without having to tune out a baby shrieking in my ear or feeling harassed, when I came upon the Brownie Brittle display. Have you seen that stuff? Basically, there are several different flavors of these thin, crispy brownie pieces. Some of them have chocolate chips, others toffee. It doesn’t really matter. The point is, when you bite in, you taste brownie. And I wanted to do the same thing, but with a cookie instead. So cookie bark was born!