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Peanut Butter Cup Cheesepake

Peanut Butter Cup Cheesepake

No, that’s not a typo. Remember my obsession with pake, the pie-cake hybrid? Well, the love continues with this cheesecake in a pie crust. Behold the cheesepake!

This one is special, folks. While I say I don’t like to play favorites with my desserts, this one is too good for me to lie about. It’s ridiculous. If you’re a peanut butter and chocolate addict, making this cheesepake is not even optional. Get into your kitchen. Now!

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Peanut Butter Cup Bark

Peanut Butter Cup Bark

Oh, come on. You knew this was coming, didn’t you?

You don’t get to my level of peanut butter and chocolate dependence easily. It takes hard work. Daily doses of Reese’s, for instance. That’s a must. So why should it surprise you that I decided to make this bark?

It’s just…lovely. Sigh. So much lovelier than any bark ever. Have I mentioned that I like to exaggerate from time to time? But really, look at those peanut buttery swirls, all dotted with little peanut butter cups. It’s just pretty. A very attractive dessert, which dessert should be if it possibly can. Yes, I’m paraphrasing Jane Austen. I’m an English teacher.

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Golden Peanut Butter Cup Cake

Golden Peanut Butter Cup Cake

My son doesn’t like chocolate. Or so he claims. At first, I was grief-stricken when I heard this news. Was he mine?!

Then I realized that he does like chocolate but he doesn’t want to admit to it, for some weird little kid reason. For example, he loves Reese’s peanut butter cups. I can’t bring the telltale orange and yellow packaging anywhere near the house without him begging to have some, puppy eyes and all. But if the chocolate gets too rich, suddenly it’s not his thing anymore.

Which is all totally fine, except that the boy asked for a peanut butter cup cake for his birthday this year. And he wanted it done with yellow cake, not chocolate. As much as my instincts tore me away from this challenge kicking and screaming, I had to obey. I mean, he’s my kid and it’s his birthday. What am I supposed to do?

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Peanut Butter Cup Brownie Trifle

Peanut Butter Cup Brownie Trifle

Have you noticed that I like to put brownie in almost everything? Sorry, kids, but an addiction is an addiction. And I don’t want to get help.

Many years ago when I was a sparkly newlywed, someone went off the registry and got us a trifle dish. At first, I was confused. What on earth was this vase-bowl hybrid thingy? But years of experience and some research cleared up my fog. And I learned that trifles are actually quite nice.

More traditional trifles have whipped cream and berries inside of them, but if you’re getting to know me, then you realize that I can’t go without chocolate. Preferably with peanut butter.

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