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Shamrock Krispy Treats

Shamrock Krispy Treats

This may come as a shock to you who know anything about me: I’m not Irish.

But you see, kids, I love holidays. Before holidays, there was darkness and cold. Holidays bring sprinkles and light. So you can bet that Irish or not, I’m getting into my St. Patrick’s baking groove.

But before I do that, I want to take a minute to remember Mr. Spock. As you know, Leonard Nimoy passed away a few days ago, and I’d be remiss if I didn’t say anything about him. Because, though you may not suspect it, I used to be kind of in love with him.

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Chocolate-Dipped Reese’s Oreos

Chocolate-Dipped Reese’s Oreos

Do you ever spend money on something you could do perfectly well yourself, if not for a certain lack of time and/or abundance of laziness?

Like scrubbing the toilet. I don’t like to do that. Not because I think I’m above it (I clean up my kids’ vomit, so I’m not above anything), but because I do a horrible job. It’s just not my area of expertise. Likewise, I avoid setting off bug bombs. Exterminators are my friends.

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