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Peanut Butter Lover’s Cookie Cake

Peanut Butter Lover’s Cookie Cake

Time to whoop it up, my friends. My birthday approaches!

When it comes to my birthday, I still feel like a little kid. I want presents, parties, and many celebrations. Sometimes that means I’m setting myself up. Let’s face it: I’m a mom of three and nobody has thrown me a party since I was 25. That was a loooooong time ago. But still, I hold out hope!

One thing I’ve learned to do is bake my own birthday treat. A few years ago, I baked this cookie cake for the first time. It was my favorite cookie cake ever, but my photo skills weren’t so great back then. Plus, I wanted to see if I could make the whole thing GF and a little easier. Done and done!

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Peanut Butter Cookie Heart Cake

Peanut Butter Cookie Heart Cake

What’s better than a cake? A cookie cake. What makes a cookie cake even better? Baking it in a heart-shaped pan, of course!

If I had to decide what to bake somebody on Valentine’s Day, which I don’t (see below), I’d definitely go for cookie cake. It’s easy and fast, but it just oozes love and chewy delight.

This year for Valentine’s Day, Kenny is getting chocolate and a book. I’ve done enough baking leading up to this heart-shaped day, and we need no more. You feel me? #foodbloggerproblems

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Holiday Chip Cookie Cake

Holiday Chip Cookie Cake

Cookie cake might just be the best invention of all time. Well, after the king-sized bed, memory foam pillows, and Uggs.

Honestly, I’m drawn to cookie cakes. When I’m in the grocery store, I can’t help but walk by the giant chocolate chip cookie cakes covered in frosting and drool. But then I remember that it’s pretty easy to make one right here at home.

This cookie dough is soft and full of both holiday chips and chocolate chips. The frosting is definitely an added bonus. There’s nothing here to hate on, friends!

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Mini Chocolate Chunk Cookie Cakes

Mini Chocolate Chunk Cookie Cakes

In a week, the school where I teach will be littered with pink candy craziness. It’s really sweet to see, actually. Teenagers tend to get into the holiday a lot more than their adult counterparts, which explains why all those cheesy teddy bears and balloons get sold year after year.

In fact, when I was that age, I really wanted a teddy bear on Valentine’s Day. I got one eventually, and when I did, it took away all the mystique and appeal. I guess maybe it’s not always a good idea to get what we think we want. Turns out, a bear holding a heart is still just a bear.

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