No recipe today, people. But I’ve got some mean cookies and cream brownies coming your way tomorrow morning! In the meantime, today’s post is about the wonderful world of food blogging.
One of the most fun things about being a baking blogger is meeting other baking bloggers. No, not in person, silly! We all live in different places. But we’re all very adorable and witty and love to comment on (and drool over) the desserts we share.
A little while back, I discovered Gayle from Pumpkin n’ Spice. Her recipes are awesome and you need to go to her blog right now! Well, right after you read this. Do that first.
Anyway, we’ve been visiting one another’s blogs and I hope I speak for Gayle when I say that we’ve hit it off! In fact, I’ll probably be bugging her to do a theme week one of these days. But in the meantime, she very kindly nominated me for the Liebster Award. It’s passed from blogger to blogger as a way to introduce newer members of the blog scene to one another and to their followers. It’s a fabulous and happy idea, in other words, and I’m so glad to be part of it!

In a little bit, I’ll be sharing my answers to some of the questions that come with the nomination. But first, a few fun facts about me that are NOT on my FAQS page. Other than the fact that I like to dance at wineries in Virginia, that is:

1) I’m from Indianapolis, Indiana. It was a really nice place to grow up, and I’m a Colts fan for life!
2) But I really love living in the DC/Metro area. Every time I see the Washington Monument come into view, my heart soars a little bit. Cheesy but true.
3) I’ve known my husband for nearly half my life. He is my favorite person.
4) If I don’t eat at specific times of day, I get super hangry. Nope, not a typo. My husband has been trained to feed me if I get testy.
5) All three of my kids have the letter Y in their first names. No, it wasn’t on purpose!
6) My dream career is to be a best-selling novelist/Broadway diva. Both of them. I refuse to choose!
7) But my other dream career is to be a happy high school English teacher. Done!
8) I sweat every day before I do anything. Working out fuels the body, mind and soul. Then the chocolate can step in and do the rest!
9) So far, I’ve had one near-death experience in my life. That’s enough, thank you. To quote my grandmother: “Scare me, but don’t hurt me.”
10) Thunderstorms terrify me. So do horror films (I include The Wizard of Oz in that group), highways, and life in general. I deal with the fear by doing things that scare me constantly, like zip lining or singing at open mic nights.
And now, my answers to the questions posed for the Liebster:
1. Why did you start blogging?
I would bake and bake and bake and then never remember what I’d done or be able to describe it to other people. So really, this blog began as a record-keeping device. But then I got all into it and now I just want people to benefit from what I make! Plus, I love writing. I find myself funny. Maybe nobody else does, though. Hmm.
2. What blogs do you follow regularly?
Sally’s Baking Addiction, Inside Bru Crew Life, Crazy for Crust, Pumpkin n’ Spice, Shugary Sweets, The Sweet {Tooth} Life, The Law Student’s Wife, Something Swanky, Wine and Glue, FitSugar, Back for Seconds, Brown Eyed Baker, Mom on Timeout, Chef in Training…to name just a few. I honestly spend a lot of time reading any baking or fitness blogs I can find!
3. What is your favorite quote/saying?
“Bring me a higher love.” It’s a great 80s song (Steve Winwood), and it’s one of my life philosophies. Never settle for second best!
4. Do you have any pets? If so, what kind/how many?
Yep, my three kids. Wait, they don’t count? But they’re messy and shed hair!
5. What characteristic do you think is your best quality?
My thumb wrestling prowess. I dare you to beat me!
6. Who is your favorite musician/band?
Geez, who knows by now? I’m old and so not cool. But I do love Heart. I’m seeing them in concert tonight!
7. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Somewhere warm within a block of a nice, pristine beach. It would be a short walk to shops and cool fun hip places. It’s a dream.
8. What is your favorite meal?
Dessert first. Then sushi. With a medium rare steak. And quiet! Sorry, I’m a mom of three. My life is loud.
9. If there was a movie being made about your life, which actress would portray you?
Unfortunately, nobody. Movie stars don’t look like me. So I’d play me! I totally have a flair for drama.
10. If you could have any job, what would it be?
Ice cream taste tester. Man, what a girl’s gotta do to make a living…
11. What is your favorite season?
Summer. Summer. Summer.
And now, my nominees:
Michele of Alwayz Bakin’
Annie of Maebells
Alyssa of My Sequined Life
Thalia of Butter and Brioche
Laura of I’d Much Rather Bake Than…
Kelly of Trial and Eater
Here are your questions! Keep the fun going!
1. Why did you start blogging?
2. What blogs do you follow regularly?
3. What is your favorite quote/saying?
4. Do you have any pets? If so, what kind/how many?
5. What characteristic do you think is your best quality?
6. Who is your favorite musician/band?
7. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
8. What is your favorite meal?
9. If there was a movie being made about your life, which actress would portray you?
10. If you could have any job, what would it be?
11. What is your favorite season?
Thanks for reading! I love sharing fabulous desserts, and I love discovering new people who do the same. So I’ll end with this last picture, which I think expresses my thoughts perfectly. Enjoy!

What a great post, Mir! I’m so glad you decided to keep this going. I loved learning more about you! Maybe one day you’ll become a broadway diva, but until then, I’m glad you love teaching! And kids totally count as pets! 🙂
Gayle @ Pumpkin ‘N Spice recently posted…Chocolate Cookie Butter Crescents & A New Design!
Thanks again for including me, Gayle! I had fun. 🙂
Stop it. You look like way too much fun for a teacher 😉 I loved reading all your answers, you are hilarious! Especially the one about thumb wrestling and ice cream testing – seriously, what more does one need in life? 😉 I’m honored to be on the list of bloggers you enjoy to follow and want you to know, it is totally mutual. Fantastic job with this post, Mir, and I’m going to try this “do things that scare me when I’m scared of other things” thing. It sounds like it will make for good stories!
Mary Frances recently posted…Watermelon Pineapple Limeade Slushie
Thanks so much, Mary Frances! I think you’re hilarious as well. Let me know if you want to go skydiving! Just kidding. But it would be so scary!
I loved reading all of these things about you! You are so witty and funny, girl! 🙂 Thanks for following my blog regularly. It still makes me blush to know so many people like to follow my little corner of the blog world!
Jocelyn@Brucrewlife recently posted…Frosted Butterscotch Zucchini Bars
Your blog makes me happy, Jocelyn. Thanks for being so awesome at what you do! And for baking with PB a lot!
Thanks again for the nomination! I finally got around to posting about it, the post will go live tomorrow for my 1-year blogiversary!
Kelly @ Trial and Eater recently posted…Chickpea cookie dough (no-bake)
That’s great, Kelly! Happy blogiversary. I will check out your post!