Cookies and Cream Fudge

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Cookies N' Cream Fudge

This post is for a guy I work with. I’ve known him since I was a student teacher 14 years ago, back when we were both super young and perky. Now we’re old and crochety.

He just had a birthday and he loves Oreos. He turns down dessert a lot, which I know because I’m usually the one offering it to him. You see, he’s “trying to be good.” Have I mentioned how much I hate associating food with good or bad behavior? Ugh. It’s food.

But anything with Oreos and this guy cannot resist. It’s like me with peanut butter cups. We all have that Achilles heel. Own it!

Cookies n' Cream Fudge

Anyway, because this man is such a decent human being and dedicated teacher, I made him cookies and cream fudge. I knew he couldn’t resist it, and you know what? Good. We all deserve to have our favorite treats on our birthdays. If anyone who knows me is reading this, that means I’d like you to make sure my cake has peanut butter cups and fudgy brownies worked in! Hint hint.

Cookies n' Cream Fudge

I should probably talk about this fudge, right? Listen, you know me by now. I can be a lazy baker. That should’ve been my blog name. The thing is, I don’t have time. I don’t! This week I’m teaching, collecting and grading 90 research papers, meeting my brothers for a sibling date, making sure my kids are clean and fed, bonding with my husband, working out, running errands, doing chores, and…baking. No, baking doesn’t come last on the list. It’s just that sometimes I need an easy recipe.

Cookies n' Cream Fudge

Remember my chocolate chip cookie fudge? Same base. You do it in the microwave! No candy thermometers, no stovetop, no oven. Just you and the little radioactive box, melting chocolate and making miracles happen.

Cookies n' Cream Fudge

You make the base, stir in broken Oreos (eating some along the way, of course), swirl in some melted white chocolate, and bam! Fudge. Rich, creamy, fudge.

Cookies n' Cream Fudge

Don’t wait for a birthday to come around! This recipe comes together in less than five minutes. Wow your friends and make people everywhere love you.

And to my friend and colleague, happy birthday! You deserve it.



  • 12 oz. semi-sweet chocolate chips
  • 8 oz. white chocolate chips
  • 14-oz. can sweetened condensed milk (I used fat-free)
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla
  • 12 chocolate cream sandwich cookies (like Oreos), crumbled into pieces



Line an 8 x 8 pan with wax paper, using enough to let the paper hang over the sides. Set aside.

In a microwave-safe bowl, melt the semi-sweet chocolate chips and condensed milk for 2 and 1/2 minutes. Remove the bowl from the oven and stir the ingredients until smooth. Add the vanilla and stir again. Fold the Oreos into the fudge. Spread the mixture evenly into the prepared pan.

While you are stirring the fudge in the above steps, melt the white chocolate in the microwave in a smaller bowl for about 1 and 1/2 minutes.

Drop the white chocolate in spoonfuls over the fudge. Using a knife or offset spatula, swirl the white chocoalte gently into the fudge, but be careful not to swirl too much.

Put the fudge in the refrigerator and chill for about 2 hours until firm. Remove and let the fudge warm up a bit. Cut into small squares and store in an airtight container.




I fulfill many roles in life: wife, mother, teacher, everlasting learner. This site is dedicated to one role that expresses my creativity in ways that I find consistently challenging and rewarding: baker. Inventing new ways to enhance food, especially if that food involves chocolate or peanut butter (or both!), is a passion of mine. I look forward to sharing my ideas with you.

This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. Dorothy @ Crazy for Crust

    I wouldn’t be able to resist it either. Oreos? Fudge? YES!

    1. Mir

      I can’t resist Oreos. There must be some addictive chemicals hidden in there to trap us all!

  2. Mary Frances

    Fudge is one of those perfect recipes for lazy bakers like us! I couldn’t agree more – food is food, it isn’t bad or good. Its what we do with it that makes it a healthy choice or not. You and me both! If you ever get that cake with Reeses and fudgy brownies, give me a holler; I’ll help you eat our love language 😉

    1. Mir

      I will totally let you know if that cake happens. Bring a fork!
      Healthy choices are key, but so is balance, because we need Reese’s!

  3. Amira

    Life is too short to waste it on just healthy food :), I’m just kidding. I do not mind being naughty- not good- and dive into your delicious treat. So lovely and easy. These will sure brighten anyone’s day. Thanks Mir.

    1. Mir

      I am all about the treats! Thanks!

  4. Serena | Serena Bakes Simply From Scratch

    Oh my what a great treat for his birthday! He sounds well deserving! I could use a chunk of the cookies and cream fudge right about now!

    1. Mir

      Me too. And it’s only 5:30 AM! Fudge is always a good idea!

  5. Jocelyn@Brucrewlife

    I like your response to Serena! “Fudge is always a good idea!” Yes, ma’am! I couldn’t agree more! 🙂 This fudge sounds like heaven!

    1. Mir

      How could fudge be anything but perfection? And no oven for the summer, too!

  6. Mommy

    Please post an easy recipe for cake with peanut butter cups and fudgy brownies.

    1. Mir

      Wait. You want cake with brownie inside it along with the PB cups? I’m a bit confused. Call me. You’re allowed. 🙂

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