Boardwalk Bark

Boardwalk Bark

It’s Beach Week! This week, I’ll be making beach-themed treats in honor of my adopted east coast culture.

You see, out here, people spend weeks or even the entire summer at the beach with family and friends. I first did that ten years ago and it was a banner time. My friend told me to consider dating the man who is now my husband. And the rest is really and truly my history!

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Pink Velvet Cookies

Pink Velvet Cookies

My kids don’t eat my desserts.

Let me backtrack. When I became a mom, I decided I would bake for my children. They would take freshly made cookies for granted, know the exact texture and thickness of a perfect brownie, and crave my homemade creations with nostalgia when they grew up and left home.

I didn’t realize that small children don’t really like anything decadent. You have to keep it simple. Like, a plain cookie. A sugar one. With nothing else. Sigh. It doesn’t really appeal to my creativity, I’ll tell you that!

But I finally hit upon a cookie that both they and I love! Thank the powers above, because I was in the mood to be cute and girly today, not boring.

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White Chocolate Cheesecake

White Chocolate Cheesecake

Being a baking blogger can come with certain challenges. Among them are:

1) Several epic fails while testing out recipes

2) Taking bad pictures of delicious food

3) Getting sticky residue on every available kitchen surface

4) Turning down a night out because you need to wait for dough to rise

5) Figuring out how to share all of your baked goods

6) Constantly thinking of new ideas for recipes

And, my challenge of the week:

7) Sharing a recipe when the subject (in this case, a cheesecake) was a gift to another person, thereby preventing me from taking pictures of a sliced version and making you drool.

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Cookies And Cream Pie

Cookies and Cream Pie

Have you ever been able to eat just one Oreo? I’m asking this question seriously. Feel free to let me know immediately, if not sooner.

You see, I think there’s something in Oreos. Something addictive, and most definitely illegal. No, smarty pants, not sugar. I’m thinking along the lines of old-school Coca-Cola. You catch my drift?

If not, do some research into the history of that particular beverage. I have no time to explain it now. We’ve moved back to Oreos. Stay with me, people!

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White Chocolate Pistachio Cookies

White Chocolate Pistachio Cookies

Okay, kids, I’m gonna keep this one short. I was out late with the girls last night eating really amazing food and I’m worn out. I can’t party like I used to, which is a shame. But at the same time, I don’t really want to be up until two dancing the night away with bruised feet. I’d rather be in bed, snuggled up with my iPad and Netflix bingeing.

Anyway, the idea for these cookies came from a Godiva truffle. They have this summer ice cream parlor line, and the pistachio flavor is so incredible. I could eat way too many at once. They remind me a bit of marzipan, but with white chocolate in the mix. So amazing

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Skinnier Cheesecake Bars

Skinnier Cheesecake Bars

There are certain facts of life that are indisputable, so here are a few:

1) A perfect nap is harder to find than a good life partner.

2) Summer dresses are the best part of being a girl.

3) Beaches are magical.

4) Even if it sucks, you have to sweat every day to feel good.

5) Cheesecake is the best and worst dessert of all time.

What was that last observation?

I love cheesecake. LOVE it. Most people do, you know. But when you see how much gets loaded into the batter, it’s kind of sad. Because all that deliciousness usually comes at quite a price, health-wise. Fat? Check. Calories? Check. Indigestion? Double check.

But fear not! You don’t have to drop cheesecake from your repertoire. These bars do the trick quite nicely and you will never know they’re skinny!

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