Chocolate-Covered Strawberry Bread

Chocolate-Covered Strawberry Bread

I know y’all dig chocolate-covered strawberries. Now we’re going to a whole new level!

Lately, I’ve been trying to bake with conventional flour a little bit less. After all, I’ve got a GF spouse, so it’s the least I can do. The good news is, this bread is still amazing, gluten or no. And it’s filled with strawberries and chocolate chips (and covered in chocolate)!

Can we say thank you? Someone. Please. I’m hungry for praise and dessert.

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Strawberry Ganache Tart

Strawberry Ganache Tart

I’m kind of annoyed with dessert menus at restaurants.

First of all, they often just change seasonally, if at all. And when they do change, there are a couple of standbys that never shift. At any given time of year, you can be pretty sure that there will be crème brulee and molten chocolate cake on the menu, along with a fruit-based dessert (tart or crisp, usually) and an assortment of ice creams and sorbets.

Don’t get me wrong. I love all those things. But why can’t pastry chefs be allowed to really get creative? To have more fun? And, dare I suggest it, change the menu at least (gasp!) monthly? Would that be so terrible?

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Pies In Review

Pies in Review

Tomorrow, Fudge Week begins! I’m teaming up with Gayle from Pumpkin n’ Spice to give you some fantastic fudge recipes. We’re so excited to share with you!

Before that starts, though, I wanted to make sure your holiday pie plans are all set. The week of Thanksgiving I shared four pie recipes with you, but there are so many more that I love. Here’s a review of my favorites!

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Strawberry Cream Pie

Strawberry Cream Pie

It’s Monday morning and I’m a little on the exhausted side. Father’s Day was great, but crazy partying comes at an expense to my beauty sleep.

You see, my husband and I had to have margaritas last night. I knew at the time it wasn’t going to feel good this morning. I knew it. But I went ahead anyway. And I know that my past self isn’t sorry, and my future self won’t be either. But man, my present self is a little ticked off.

On the plus side, we made it through the holiday with a minimum of our usual string of disasters, with the exception of my son getting sick once again. What is it with my child? Does he enjoy curling up on the couch with his stuffed animals and conking out? Actually, that sounds pretty good right about now. Or anytime, really.

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Strawberry Crumb Bars

Strawberry Crumb Bars

Okay, people. I’m posting two recipes this week that involve a crumb topping, and how can I not? Crumb topping is one of the great joys of life. Any baker knows that when crumbs are involved, the ratio of crumbs to cake has to be disproportionate. As in, tons of crumbs. TONS. And just a bit of yummy cake.

Well, these aren’t cake. They’re bars. But really, who cares? It’s all about the crumbs, baby! And this simple recipe has crumbs upon crumbs to the point that they’re spilling out of the pan and straight into your mouth, where they melt as you sigh in ecstasy.

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