Snickers Cheesecake Loaf

Snickers Cheesecake Loaf

Who knew that cheesecake could be made in a loaf pan? I never even realized that was an option.

That is, until I read the narrative baking book Saved by Cake by Marian Keyes. If you’re not familiar with her work, she’s an Irish chick lit author. Her books are funny, honest, and have some fantastically complex characters. I’ve been a huge fan for quite a while.

So when she wrote a baking book a few years back, I couldn’t wait to buy it. This cheesecake loaf is an adaptation of one of the recipes in her book. I’ve changed it, but it’s the same idea. Sorry, Marian. I reserve the right to tinker. That’s what baking is all about!

Snickers Cheesecake Loaf

In her book, Keyes shares the perception that anything with Snickers is inherently more “blokey,” or in American, man food. That’s fascinating, because I have never really thought of Snickers as being masculine. I mean, it’s chocolate. Don’t we girls have the monopoly on that? Or does the darker packaging and no-nonsense design scream “male?” It’s a thinker.

Whenever I think of food, I kind of gender assign it. Maybe that’s a bad idea, but the whole stereotype of women liking chocolate and men guzzling beer has held up with a lot of people I know. Which, of course, begs the question: if we hadn’t been raised to like certain foods over others based on our gender, would our tastes be different? If I hadn’t been indoctrinated into chocolate early on, would I be more inclined to skip dessert and just eat a hunk of red meat the size of my head?

Snickers Cheesecake Loaf

Last week, I read three blog posts in a row that involved steak. Suddenly, I couldn’t take it anymore. I stopped at the grocery store on the way home (a much-hated errand after a long day at work) and picked up a steak. Just for me. Everyone else got hamburgers. And eating that steak was so satisfying that I had to wonder: would I miss the brownies if I just ate like a man?

Snickers Cheesecake Loaf

It’s a complex question, and one that I wonder about a lot. Because it’s not like men don’t like their brownies. And I think that after about three days of steak, I’d go running back to the Reese’s with nary a second glance behind me. Sugar addiction might be a serious problem, but I’m not willing to detox yet. Especially if I’ll go running straight from sugar to cholesterol.

Snickers Cheesecake Loaf

Besides, if you can’t eat like a man, work out like one. I’ve been a strength training convert for two years now, and I’ve never looked back. It’s the answer to so many questions about fitness and health. And Snickers is not.

But hey, that shouldn’t stop any of us (male or female) from indulging. And since Snickers have all those peanuts, it’s protein for after a strength training workout. If Snickers really are candy bars for men, maybe that’s why some of them are so buff!

Snickers Cheesecake Loaf

This recipe threw me a little, because the original calls for a combo of ricotta and mascarpone cheeses. On the day I went shopping, there wasn’t any mascarpone at the grocery store, so I bought cream cheese instead. The ricotta is grainier in texture, so I wasn’t sure how I’d feel about the final result. But really, it came out nice and creamy, even though the texture is not what a traditional American cheesecake calls for.

The other question mark for me in this recipe was the baking time. The recipe wants the cheesecake to bake for an hour and half at 325, something that I didn’t have time for. Apparently, baking it at a lower temp will make the top caramelize more. Since I wasn’t able to try that, you’ll see that the recipe below has a higher cooking temp with less cooking time. It’s all about tinkering!

Snickers Cheesecake Loaf

Once you cover this cheesecake with caramel sauce, it’s a sticky delight. I can’t believe this is my first cheesecake loaf, but it won’t be my last. And I plan to taste-test it among men and women alike to see how “blokey” it really is. Thanks for the inspiration, Marian Keyes!


Snickers Cheesecake Loaf


1/4 cup unsalted butter
1/4 cup milk chocolate chips
1/4 cup firmly packed brown sugar
1 cup graham cracker crumbs
8 oz. block cream cheese (I used reduced-fat)
8 oz. ricotta cheese
1/2 cup sugar
2 eggs
3/4 cup sour cream
1 package Snickers bites
salted caramel sauce (in ice cream aisle)
1/2 cup roasted salted peanuts


  1. Preheat the oven to 350; Line a loaf pan with aluminum foil, leaving enough to hang over the sides of the pan. Coat with cooking spray. Set aside.
  2. In a microwave-safe bowl, melt the butter and chocolate chips for one minute. Stir until smooth. If needed, heat an additional 20 seconds before stirring again.
  3. Add the brown sugar and graham cracker crumbs to the melted butter and chocolate mixture. Stir until the crumbs are moistened.
  4. Pack the crumbs evenly into the bottom of the prepared loaf pan. Bake for 15 minutes.
  5. While the crust is baking, make the filling. In the bowl of a stand mixer, beat the cheeses and sugar until creamy. Add the eggs, one at at time, stirring after each addition. Add the sour cream and mix until smooth.
  6. Chop the Snickers bites in half. Fold them into the cheesecake batter. Pour the batter into the loaf pan.
  7. Bake for 40-50 minutes until the top is set. Turn off the oven and open the door. Allow the cheesecake to cool slowly.
  8. Remove the cheesecake from the oven and cool completely. Transfer to the refrigerator and chill overnight.
  9. When ready to serve, use the overhanging foil to remove the cheesecake from the pan and place on a platter. Drizzle the caramel sauce over the cheesecake. Sprinkle the peanuts over the caramel.
  10. Cut into slices and serve. Store chilled.




I fulfill many roles in life: wife, mother, teacher, everlasting learner. This site is dedicated to one role that expresses my creativity in ways that I find consistently challenging and rewarding: baker. Inventing new ways to enhance food, especially if that food involves chocolate or peanut butter (or both!), is a passion of mine. I look forward to sharing my ideas with you.

This Post Has 42 Comments

  1. Anu-My Ginger Garlic Kitchen

    Wow! This snickers cheesecake loaf looks and sounds incredibly delish, Mir!
    Anu-My Ginger Garlic Kitchen recently posted…4-Ingredient Cheesy Garlicky Pesto Puff Pastry SwirlsMy Profile

    1. Mir

      I’m gonna brag and say that it’s great, Anu! 🙂

  2. Gayle @ Pumpkin 'N Spice

    I never knew that cheesecake could be made into a loaf, either! This is brilliant! I’m loving the idea of snickers cheesecake. Especially with that caramel drizzled on top…yum!
    Gayle @ Pumpkin ‘N Spice recently posted…Chocolate Peanut Butter S’mores DipMy Profile

    1. Mir

      It is so much easier to do a loaf than a spring form, Gayle!

  3. Heather - Butter & Burlap

    Uhm, yea. I had NO idea that you could make cheesecake in a loaf pan!! Brilliant!! A good twist on the classic round shape, and it looks divine!
    Heather – Butter & Burlap recently posted…Farmer’s Market Breakfast Egg BakeMy Profile

    1. Mir

      I learn new stuff every day, Heather! It’s a process. Thanks!

  4. Jen | Baked by an Introvert

    A cheesecake in a loaf? Say what?! This is a great idea, Mir!
    Jen | Baked by an Introvert recently posted…Apple Streusel BarsMy Profile

    1. Mir

      Thanks, Jen! It’s a really fun baking book. I recommend!

  5. Sina @ Vegan Heaven

    This looks really delicious, Mir! I’m actually just reading a book by Marian Keyes myself. 🙂
    Sina @ Vegan Heaven recently posted…Jackfruit Pulled Pork SandwichesMy Profile

    1. Mir

      Oooh, which one, Sina? Now I’m super curious!

  6. Cheyanne @ No Spoon Necessary

    I have never heard of Marian Keyes, but I am totally going to check out her work! I love a good read. As far as the gender-food debate… I donno what I think… but I am preeeeeety dang sure you would miss brownies if you ate like a dude. 🙂 Anywho, I LOVE LOVE LOVE this snickers cheesecake loaf! I, too, had no clue you could make a cheesecake LOAF, but I am SO glad you discovered this! Seriously, this looks fantastic and I am totally sitting here kicking myself for my stupidstupidstupid chocolate allergy. Obviously I HAVE to make this for the hubster because he is a typical dude who loves snickers and I KNOW he will go buck-nutty over this!! I will just have to pout as I watch him devour this. Joy. I should at least get control of the remote for a week for this. 🙂 Pinned! Cheers, girlfriend!! <3
    Cheyanne @ No Spoon Necessary recently posted…Heirloom Tomato Relish, Burrata & Basil Pesto CrostiniMy Profile

    1. Mir

      I would totally miss brownies. I mean, that would be a HUGE loss. You’re a good wife to make stuff for your husband that you can’t eat! I’m not that nice. 🙂 I don’t give up the remote, either. Thanks, Cheyanne!

  7. Jennifer @ Show Me the Yummy

    Snickers cheesecake loaf?! Pure. Genius.
    Jennifer @ Show Me the Yummy recently posted…We Moved, Trevor Quit, One Million MilestoneMy Profile

    1. Mir

      Thanks, Jennifer! I wish I’d thought of it first!

  8. Manali @ CookWithManali

    I love this whole idea of making a cheesecake loaf! So fun! looks delicious Mir!
    Manali @ CookWithManali recently posted…Matar NimonaMy Profile

    1. Mir

      Thanks, Manali! It’s an easy way to do it, for sure!

  9. Rachelle @ Beer Girl Cooks

    I love a good chick lit read! Who knew you could make a cheesecake into a loaf and adding snickers was a genius move! I’ve never actually considered gender assignment with food, but that’s something to ponder. I find it hilarious that you bought yourself a steak and fed the rest of your family hamburgers! Good job!
    Rachelle @ Beer Girl Cooks recently posted…Mini Cherry Goat CheesecakesMy Profile

    1. Mir

      Thanks, Rachelle. I’m Mean Mommy sometimes. My kids don’t appreciate steak, and my husband’s not a red meat guy. But I’m not gonna give up the good stuff!

  10. Dorothy @ Crazy for Crust

    This is a game changer. In a LOAF PAN!!?? Wow. Also, snickers. yes. And blogs do that to me too, but it’s not steak. I’ve bought impulse Nutella and cookies after reading blogs!
    Dorothy @ Crazy for Crust recently posted…3-ingredient Nutella TrufflesMy Profile

    1. Mir

      Oh, I have definitely eaten or bought more impulse chocolate than steak. Last week was a total anomaly. But it felt good!

  11. Danielle

    I’ve never thought to bake cheesecake in a loaf pan, but that’s genius! You can just easily slice it off and eat it too 😉 Love that you made a snicker’s version, one of my favorites!
    Danielle recently posted…Baked Chocolate DonutsMy Profile

    1. Mir

      Yep, it’s much easier to bake it that way. Less fuss!

  12. Jessica @ Citrus Blossom Bliss

    I LOVE that this is baked in a loaf pan. I’ve made mini cheesecakes in cupcake liners but never thought to make a smaller scale cheesecake in a loaf pan. The blog Dessert for Two uses loaf pans to make smaller scale brownies and whatnot, which I think is genius. Nothing beats the flavor of snickers – which are totally not a man’s candy. They just market towards men because they know us women are already at home putting our snickers onto cheesecakes
    Jessica @ Citrus Blossom Bliss recently posted…Restaurant-Style Pizza DoughMy Profile

    1. Mir

      Mini-cheesecakes are awesome because it’s instant portion control! Whereas if I have a giant loaf, yep. I’ll want more. But I do wonder why chocolate is not inherently manly…

  13. Medha @ Whisk & Shout

    I have got to try cheesecake in a loaf pan! Love this Snickers version- who can resist caramel and peanuts and chocolate- and love the idea of slicing it like a semifreddo 🙂
    Medha @ Whisk & Shout recently posted…Weekly Obsessions!My Profile

    1. Mir

      Exactly! It’s a lot of fun, especially with the Snickers. I love Snickers so…

  14. Dannii @ Hungry Healthy Happy

    Cheesecake in a loaf tin? What a genius idea. It photographs really well as well 🙂
    I love snickers, and it’s actually what my mum craved all the time when she was pregnant with me, so that is perhaps why I love them so much.
    Dannii @ Hungry Healthy Happy recently posted…Comment on Mediterranean Sandwich by CaileeMy Profile

    1. Mir

      Thanks, Dannii! I’m always working on the pics…and yep, if your mom craved Snickers, you are totally wired to love them. My youngest had a pregnant mommy who couldn’t stop eating sweets, and she just wants dessert all the time. I feel bad about that.

  15. Michele @ Alwayzbakin

    Cheesecake in a loaf pan sounds like a fabulous idea to me! Snickers are definitely for women. Like me! One of my favorite candy bars. This looks absolutely amazing!
    Michele @ Alwayzbakin recently posted…How To Make A Cookie CakeMy Profile

    1. Mir

      Yes, they are! Let’s take back the Snickers, Michele! 🙂

  16. Jasline (Foodie Baker)

    I don’t care whether if it’s for a man or woman, I know this is definitely for me! 😉 This looks sooo good!
    Jasline (Foodie Baker) recently posted…Nutty GranolaMy Profile

    1. Mir

      Good way to look at it, Jasline! Food is food.

  17. Harriet Emily

    Yummmm!! I love snickers! This looks amazing Mir, and I love that you made this into a loaf shape. That’s such a great idea! 😀

    1. Mir

      Thanks, Harriet Emily! I do love the Snickers, too. Makes me happy!

  18. Alice @ Hip Foodie Mom

    Cheesecake in a loaf pan?! I love this! and so interesting about foods and genders. . I’ve never really thought about that but you are so right! and what do you do for strength training? I’m starting pure barre tomorrow!
    Alice @ Hip Foodie Mom recently posted…25 Sweet Treats + A $100 Ghirardelli Giveaway!My Profile

    1. Mir

      So I’m also a barre girl, Alice. Physique 57 is my favorite barre class, but they’re all incredible. They give you lean muscle tone like nothing else. But it BURNS when you’re doing it! 🙂 Let me know what you think!

  19. Mary Frances

    Lol steak is definitely one of my happy places. I run from loads of sugar to loads of fat back to loads of sugar again. It happens. And it sure tastes good.
    WHAT a loaf pan?? That is so so cool! And you had me at Snickers. And all that caramel. <3
    Mary Frances recently posted…Flourless Almond Butter Pumpkin MuffinsMy Profile

    1. Mir

      Those are good places to run back and forth to, Mary Frances! Hey, it’s about balance, right? 🙂

  20. Trish - Mom On Timeout

    I just drooled. This HAS to happen ASAP. Snickers in cheesecake can never be a bad thing 🙂
    Trish – Mom On Timeout recently posted…Pumpkin Cheesecake Banana BreadMy Profile

    1. Mir

      Nope, never a bad thing when Snickers are involved. They’re my happy place!

  21. Jocelyn @BruCrew Life

    Cheesecake loaf???? How cool is that? I totally never would have thought to bake it in that type of a pan, but hey it works. I love ricotta and cream cheese in cheesecakes…but I think it is a acquired taste. I just made one for my book and my hubby wasn’t a big fan of that one, but I loved it! And I know I would love this one covered in Snickers goodness!!!!
    Jocelyn @BruCrew Life recently posted…Roasted Veggies (and a FitBit Giveaway)My Profile

    1. Mir

      You’re totally right about it being an acquired taste. I took the first bite and kind of lifted an eyebrow, but then my brain adjusted and I was cool with it!

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