Peanut Butter Cup Bark

Peanut Butter Cup Bark

Oh, come on. You knew this was coming, didn’t you?

You don’t get to my level of peanut butter and chocolate dependence easily. It takes hard work. Daily doses of Reese’s, for instance. That’s a must. So why should it surprise you that I decided to make this bark?

It’s just…lovely. Sigh. So much lovelier than any bark ever. Have I mentioned that I like to exaggerate from time to time? But really, look at those peanut buttery swirls, all dotted with little peanut butter cups. It’s just pretty. A very attractive dessert, which dessert should be if it possibly can. Yes, I’m paraphrasing Jane Austen. I’m an English teacher.

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Cookies And Cream Bark

Cookies and Cream Bark

About a year ago, I embarked upon a kindness project. It’s not much, but I decided to bake something for each co-worker’s birthday. You see, every time someone did me a random act of kindness, I’d just feel so grateful. And kind of guilty, too, because I wasn’t doing enough back. So the birthday baking is my way of showing appreciation for the people I work with, but it’s also my way of making them feel special.

Anyway, this past week, I messed up. An intern’s birthday somehow slipped through my fingers. I promised to make it up to him and he told me that the easiest way to make him happy was to incorporate Oreos into whatever I was baking.

I’ve noticed something about Oreos: they have the same fanatic fan base that my beloved peanut butter cups do. And like any loyal fan, Oreo devotees accept no generic substitutes. It has to be Oreo or bust. I understand completely. I accept no peanut butter cup that’s not a Reese’s.

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Chocolate Chip Cookie Fudge

Chocolate Chip Cookie Fudge

Despite my unending sugar addiction, I can resist a whole lot of cookies. Snickerdoodles? Mildly interested shrug. Anything with mint? Keep trying. Peanut butter cookies? Now you’ve got my attention. And…chocolate chip cookies? Forget about it. I’ll eat the whole batch before anyone can blink.

Somehow, incorporating chocolate chip cookie into a baked good is a process fraught with nothing but sheer joy. Chocolate chip cookie cakes, for example, are a heavenly birthday treat. Chocolate chip cookie pie is just…well, let’s just say that if you haven’t tried it, you need to.

Recently, I made a batch of chocolate chip cookies because…oh, come on. Who really needs to ask why? But anyway, I was on my third cookie when inspiration struck.

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